"Her Night of Film" is an independent film festival that with live screenings and is a one night event that occurs four times per year.
This event highlights and celebrates women in key, principle positions in filmmaking. Whether it be a producer, director, cinematographer, writer, or lead editor we celebrate and highlight them all. This event gives people an opportunity to see great independent films that they normally would not have access to.
We love to showcase all genres of films and we lean towards projects that are highly creative. Houston, TX is in need of more diverse independent film community and we hope to inspire and motivate others to produce through showing great works.
Our judging team will be looking for films that push the creative limits and inspire creativity in others.
An audience favorite award for the short film selection will be announced at the end of the night. This winner will receive a special trophy acknowledging their role and their work.
The creators "Her Night of Film" have developed this sort of mini festival to build up to the main festival "Her Film Fest" that will be taking place at the end of 2020. All films that were selected and shown during "Her Night of Film:" will be shown on it's on exclusive night during "Her Film Fest".
A screening committee determines which films shall be exhibited, all submissions are not guaranteed to be shown. All decisions of the committee are final. Except for the audience award, which will be selected by the audience themselves.
Winning films will be shown at the festival. We will also be sending plaques to the short films selected as audience favorite and the one feature film that would be selected as the Premier film for the night. The creator or the key female creative for the feature film selected will have the opportunity to have a Q&A with the movie goers. The feature film selected will be the sole feature screened that evening.