Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America
This controversial documentary uncovers the true Biblical Identity of the so-called "Negro" people scattered throughout the world via the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the Arab "East African" Slave Trade. It also reveals the true "Biblical Identity" of the so-called "Indian" living in the Caribbean and Americas before the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors.
Ronald B Dalton jrDirector
Ronald B Dalton jrWriter
Ronald B Dalton jrProducer
Carl JacksonEditor
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:Education, religion, controversial, history, jewish, africa, Caribbean
Runtime:3 hours 28 minutes
Completion Date:December 20, 2018
Production Budget:9,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
THE NEGRO NETWORKCountry: United StatesRights: Video on Demand, Video / Disc
Ronald Dalton Jr was born in Pittsburgh, PA to African-American parents who experienced the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's from opposite perspectives of black life in America. Ronald's mother, a second-generation American with West
Indies (Antigua) lineage, grew up in New York City housing projects in Harlem. While his mother was living amongst the Black Power movement and its notable leaders such as Malcolm X and Huey Newton, Ronald's father resided in West
Virginia, forced to live under the oppressive, and often violent racism of the Jim Crow Era. The two would meet in the church at the renown Greater Refuge Temple in Harlem, NY., and go on to marry and build successful careers; his father as a pediatrician, and his mother as a LPN, and then a Special Ed teacher.
Eventually Ronald would come along as the first of seven; little did Ronald Sr. and Gale know, their firstborn was destined to be a visionary, truth seeker, and a notable leader in a great movement amongst his people.
Growing up in a Black Pentecostal Christian household provided Ronald the experience of reading the Holy Bible from
beginning to end, several times throughout his youth. He was a voracious reader, and especially enjoyed books that
imparted new knowledge to his inquisitive mind. As a young adult, he was always curious about various aspects of the Bible
that led him to ask a litany of seemingly unanswerable questions. With the importance of education instilled in him since childhood, and with a keen love for learning, Ronald earned a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine, with a focus in Exercise Science / Kinesiology, and a minor in Psychology at Eastern Michigan University. To follow, Ronald earned a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies at Wayne State University. While working at Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, from 2010 to 2011, Ronald experienced a paradigm shift that brought on a much different view of the world than he'd ever had. He began to really see the suffering of his fellow black people on a grand scale, and wanted answers to why they continuously suffered like no other group of people. In search of
answers, he leaned deeply into his faith, and in one particularly emotional night, he beseeched God in prayer like never
before, asking for wisdom and knowledge to understand the madness that he was seeing in the black community. Believing
that God heard his prayers, Ronald discovered the answers he'd searched for throughout his life. From that day on, God would reveal to Ronald in bits and pieces, the truth about the lost heritage of black people in America as it pertained to the ancient Hebrew Israelites of the Bible. Ronald would come to discern the truth of why "black people" have been oppressed throughout their generations. Eventually, this knowledge became too much to bear alone; too great to not share with his people. In response to a spiritual calling, Ronald then embarked on a life-changing journey by writing his first book about the knowledge he had obtained from God. Concurrently, he began assembling an educational documentary presented on DVD that featured historical images, charts, facts and ancient quotes to support his message. He titled the Movie and book: "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America". Today, Ronald is working tirelessly to take his movie around the world with the goal to "wake up" the descendants of the Real Authentic Biblical Israelites to their true heritage. Ronald maintains an intensive schedule as a highly-requested public speaker at universities, seminaries, churches, and conferences. He also teaches at The Hebrew Academy of Detroit, an Online Academy platform for anyone to learn the true history of the Bible from anywhere in the World. Additionally, Ronald is in production on third feature film, Hebrews to Negroes 3: Sound the Alarm. Dedicated to
enlightening others on the accurate history of the African Diaspora, Ronald believes that truth is priceless and cannot be
stopped from reaching the world. His favorite motto, "A lie cannot live forever", holds very true in his profound work.
The Holy Bible is the story of a “set apart” people chosen
by The Most High God to be his “light among the nations.”
As the only nation of people to enter a blood covenant
with The Most High, these people were promised the
glory and riches of the earth if they obeyed his
commandments and kept his laws.
But when they sinned against their Elohim and broke the
covenant, the people came under a devastating curse that
would cover their generations. Violently driven from their
homeland and dispersed to the four corners of the earth
by way of captivity, the once great nation would lose their
identity and their heritage, becoming a mystery known to
the world as “the lost tribes of Israel” …until now.
Hebrews To Negroes Wake Up Black America is a
documentary that presents a wealth of scholarly
information compiled from history, religious texts, geography, orthodontics, archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, ABO Blood groups, Infectious/genetic disease and DNA Haplogroup evidence to reveal the identity of the blood descendants of the
Biblical Israelites. A cinematic achievement three years in
the making, the film is an homage to the true lineage and
lost culture of the African Diaspora, and various collectives
of peoples around the world traditionally classified as