Script Files

Desamores (Out of love)

Manuel and Marisol are a young couple with no big commitments, but with many years together, so much so that they have reached their limit. During a break in which Marisol is leaving for her village by train, Manuel comes across his conscience integrated into the station's public address system to remind him that he has to make a decision before it is too late.

  • Jose Luis Garcia Ponce
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
    Screenplay, Short Script
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
  • Language:
    English, Spanish
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
  • Concurso internacional de guion abc guionistas
    October 10, 2024
    Top 3 best noble script/top 10 best script
Writer Biography - Jose Luis Garcia Ponce

Hasta mi adolescencia, solía ir semanalmente a las sesiones dobles del cine Montija de Madrid en el mismo barrio de los Trueba ¿Coincidiríamos?
Aprendí de memoria y en orden alfabético los cines donde no pedían el carné de identidad . La adrenalina derrochada frente a la mirada escrutadora del portero con el objetivo de que no se quedara con tu cara era una experiencia sin precio.
A mis 12 años veía, sin pestañear, a los Bergman, Resnais y Kurosawa en un programa de cine de culto de la época llamado Cineclub de la UHF.
Con el hijo de mi vecina, acomodadora del cine Madrid, disfrutamos de la revolución del cine de los 70 —Quizá en busca del fugaz fotograma de una teta, aunque con Amarcord, nos aliviamos de esa carga bastantes veces .
Fue la música en los 80 quien truncó mi destino cinematográfico, Rocé muy levemente, los últimos años de la llamada movida madrileña con el grupo Al fondo hay sitio, en la órbita del Gran Wyoming y Pepín Tre , grandes gurús de la música cabaré de la época.
Gracias a la llegada de las televisiones privadas en los 90, muchos pudimos cambiar a profesiones audiovisuales. En mi caso y después de muchos vaivenes, trabajé como realizador y editor en los canales Disney y más tarde en el equipo de Marketing de la citada major norteamericana. Tras este largo periodo, vuelvo a aquellos prometedores inicios, más maduro pero ilusionado por hacer algo bello en fotoquímico y en gran pantalla.

Until I was a teenager, I used to go weekly to the double screenings at the Montija cinema in Madrid, in the same neighbourhood as the Trueba´s family.
I learnt by heart and in alphabetical order the cinemas where they didn't ask for an identity card. The adrenaline wasted in front of the scrutinising gaze of the doorman so that he wouldn't keep your face was a priceless experience.
When I was 12 years old I used to watch the Bergmans, Resnais and Kurosawa on a cult film programme of the time called Cineclub on UHF without batting an eyelid.
With the son of my neighbour's son, an usherette at the Madrid cinema, we enjoyed the cinema revolution of the 70s - perhaps in search of the fleeting still of a tit, although with Amarcord, we relieved ourselves of that burden quite a few times.
It was music in the 80s that truncated my cinematographic destiny, I rocked very slightly, the last years of the so-called movida madrileña with the group Al fondo hay sitio, in the orbit of Gran Wyoming and Pepín Tre, great gurus of cabaret music of the time.
Thanks to the arrival of private television in the 90s, many of us were able to change to audiovisual professions. In my case, and after many ups and downs, I worked as a producer and editor in Disney´s channels and later in the marketing team of the aforementioned American major. After this long period, I return to those promising beginnings, more mature but excited to do something beautiful in photochemical and on the big screen.

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Writer Statement

Me considero un viajero Intergeneracional con un profundo e innato sentido de la curiosidad que me permite no enrocarme en "cualquier tiempo pasado..." y entender todos los tempos del mundo que me ha tocado morir.
Profesional apasionado por la comunicación, procuro estar al corrientes de todas las tendencias audiovisuales que nos rodean sin perder de vista el cine en gran pantalla, algo que quisiera plasmar en "Desamores" mi primer cortometraje en fotoquímico, preludio "in futuro" de un largo para legar algo bello y evidenciar mi gran amor por el cine.

I consider myself an intergenerational traveller with a deep and innate sense of curiosity that allows me not to castle myself in ‘any past time...’ and to understand all the tempos of the world that has been my turn to die.
A professional with a passion for communication, I try to keep abreast of all the audiovisual trends that surround us without losing sight of the cinema on the big screen, something I would like to capture in ‘Desamores’ my first short film in photochemical, prelude ‘in futuro’ of a feature film to bequeath something beautiful and to show my great love for cinema.