Welcome to Hammond Horror Fest 2020! This year marks the 9th Annual Hammond Horror Festival, a series of events taking place in and around downtown Hammond that is sure to entertain you with a twist of horror just in time for Halloween.
The purpose of the Hammond Horror Festival is to provide an annual community project for local, regional and international artists of all mediums to showcase their work in an alternative celebration of the arts. Established in October 2011, Hammond Horror Fest is designed to embrace the contributions, tastes, and cultural energies that local and international professional and student artists bring to the festival.
The planned location of the festival is downtown Hammond, LA, and various surrounding areas, to support and enrich the arts and culture of this historic city. The goal of this festival is to inspire local and international artists to get involved with our community in the spirit of Halloween, and will do so by welcoming a spread of performances and exhibitions of art including, but not limited to: theatre, film, music, visual arts, dance, and poetry/spoken word.
The 48 HR Films
Best Picture
Audience Choice Award
Official Selection