a. The contest is open for filmmakers over 18 years old.
b. The films submitted must deal with the topic of nature and/or environment.
c. There are no restrictions on genre.
d. The length cannot exceed 30 minutes.
e. We encourage submissions of films in High Definition preferably in 1080p.
f. Films must be submitted in Spanish, or with English/Spanish subtitles.
g. More than one entry may be submitted; however, an official entry form and entry fee must accompany each submission.
h. All entries will be viewed prior to the festival by a pre-selection committee chaired by the Programming Director.
i. Submission of films does not guarantee their screening at the Festival.
j. Green Film Fest reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any project submitted.
k. Films can be selected for the main festival event in Buenos Aires and also for the international tour and events.
a. Spanish is the official language of the Festival. If selected, it will be required to provide the film with Spanish subtitles. If not, the inclusion of the film in the programme will be subject to the possibility of the Festival to make the subtitles. To do so, the participant must send the film textbook in English with the “time in out” code in a .srt file.
b. The participant will be required to supply your film on one of the following formats for screening at the Green Film Festival: DCP, QuickTime file (ProRes, H264) or MP4.
a. All submitted materials become the property of Green Film Fest for internal and archival purposes.
b. By submitting a film entry, the participant agrees that all rights and clearances have been obtained, that any copyrighted sound, music, image or content included in the work have been legally cleared for use, and that Green Film Fest is not responsible for any copyright infringement resulting from public screenings. If requested you will provide evidence of intellectual property ownership should it be required. The film submitted is not subject to litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.
c. By submitting a film entry, you acknowledge Green Film Fest has the right to copy any submitted material and use images and trailers for Green Film Fest’s promotional use. Promotional use may include a clip of any accepted film being included in a radio or TV program, or in a festival trailer for Green Film Fest.
d. The participant agrees to the publication of his/her name in relevant media used by the event (e.g. program brochure) and will be quoted as copyright owner/creator of the material. For promotional purposes and media reports, and further public screenings in context with Green Film Fest the organizer can use and publish photos, film recordings of and interviews with the participant or the films submitted without the participant being entitled to compensation.
e. A participant will be excluded from the event if his/her film includes racist, sexist, religiously degrading or inflammatory content.
f. By submitting a film entry, the participant acknowledges that he/she has read and agreed to abide by these General Rules and Terms & Conditions of the Green Film Fest.