In a chilling thriller short film, a woman is forced to take a life in self-defense, and in a desperate bid to protect herself, she enlists her husband's help to bury the truth. However, as they weave a web of deception, her dark secret threatens to unravel their marriage, leading to a shocking revelation that changes everything they thought they knew about each other.
Gissette ValentinDirectorWill Trent, Cobra Kai, The Walking Dead, The Tomorrow War, Bad Boys for Life, and more.
John CihangirDirector of PhotographyCobra Kai, Stranger Things, Renfield, Wolf Pack and more
Gissette ValentinWriterWill Trent, Cobra Kai, The Walking Dead, The Tomorrow War, Bad Boys for Life, and more.
Cleveland WillisWriter
Cleveland WillisKey Cast"Adam Lesley"
Erin CollinsKey Cast"Chaya Lesley"
Gissette ValentinKey Cast"Detective Oriz"
Gissette ValentinProducerWill Trent, Cobra Kai, The Walking Dead, The Tomorrow War, Bad Boys for Life, and more.
John CihangirProducerCobra Kai, Stranger Things, Renfield, Wolf Pack and more
Project Type:Short
Runtime:5 minutes 30 seconds
Completion Date:June 5, 2023
Country of Origin:United States
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Random Acts of Terror
Official Selection -
Vancouver International Movie Awards
Quarter Finalist Best Female Directing -
ONED art/experimental film festival
Official Selection
Gissette Valentin, a talented actress and director/writer, who has made waves in the entertainment industry with her versatile skills. From her captivating performances in popular projects like "Will Trent" and "The Tomorrow War" to her involvement in hit shows like "Cobra Kai," Valentin has proven her ability to immerse herself in diverse roles. Not content with just acting, she has also ventured into writing and directing her own shorts, showcasing her creativity and range across genres, including both comedy and thrillers. With each project, Valentin continues to leave a lasting impression, captivating audiences with her multifaceted talent both in front of and behind the camera.