Good Things Will Come
This is the story of the water, as it moves through the Earth, nourishing life.
This is the story of a healing river finding its true self again, after being freed from impenetrable damming.
This is the story of the strong and enduring salmon, as they fight for survival, bringing hope and nourishment into the land.
This is the story of a drum, and a song, and a prayer, carried on the back of a woman, on a journey to honor beauty and to discover herself, her strength, her belief and her celebration.
This is all of our stories, as we overcome what’s blocking us, and find ourselves once again in the true flow of the great river of life.
Exalting, joyful, and gloriously loving of our Mother Earth, this music video is a cry of triumphant gratitude, for healing.
Alexis EggertsenDirectorCataract, Transient
Cody GroomDirector
Alexis EggertsenWriter
Cody GroomWriter
Alexis EggertsenProducer
Cody GroomProducer
Alexis EggertsenKey Cast"Alexis Eggertsen "
Cody GroomKey Cast"Cody Groom "
Project Type:Music Video, Short
Genres:Music Video, Nature & Inspiration
Runtime:8 minutes
Completion Date:January 1, 2020
Production Budget:10,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital 4K UHD
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Druk International Film FestivalParo
January 1, 2020
Critics' Choice Award -
Košice International Film FestivalKošice
June 1, 2020
Finalist -
Love Wins Film FestivalNew York City
United States
April 30, 2021 -
April 15, 2020 -
Varese International Film FestivalVarese
March 1, 2020
Alexis and Cody became fast partners and filmmaking collaborators as art school undergrads. They connected over their love of the Earth and its creatures, over their joy in adventurous creation, and through a shared lighthearted sense of humor. They have won awards for past video work in local and international film festivals and contests, including the Barbara Aronofsky Latham Award for Emerging Experimental Video Artist at the Anne Arbor Film Festival.
They took a long hiatus from filmmaking to return to the music that seeded each of their individual creative journeys, and to study with indigenous leaders and teachers from around the world, who have offered profound leadership, guidance, wisdom and encouragement. They took this time to reflect on what matters most, and how to best harness the power of art for good.
Now they are here to offer their combined gifts of music and video production, through the sincerity of their hearts, with a positive thought for all.
For this video, they sang, danced and filmed through all four seasons in the Pacific Northwest of North America, inspired by the voice of the river.
We do our best to offer our gifts in service of beauty and healing.
Everything we do, we do with an intention of helping others, and co-creating a better world. We are among those of us who carry a wholesome vision of kindness and hope for everyone. We aim to make art in a way that reminds us of the majesty the Earth, of the human spirit, and of life itself.
We believe that every word, every note, and every image can function as part of a prayer, or as a prayer on its own. We honor that potential to the best of our ability, as we grow as musicians, filmmakers and human beings.
We are grateful for your time, and wish you good things to come.