Goa Short Film Festival is conducting a innovative international short film festival and invites participation from aspiring and upcoming independent filmmakers. A unique short film Festival, focusing on opportunity creation for global filmmakers.
Best Film
Second Best Film
Best Director
Second Best Director
Best Screenplay
Best Camera Work
Best Editing
Best Sound
Best Creative Concept
Best Animation
Best original Music Score
Best Background Music
Best Poster Design
Best Documentary
Best International Film
Best International Director
Winners are selected by a judging panel of industry professionals consisting of independent producers, production companies, filmmakers, and other film industry professionals who may be substituted at the discretion of the Festival organizers.
All films are judged equally based on:
Content Originality (Quality of storyline, and script)
Production (Camera work, lighting, and shot composition)
Post-Production (Editing, transitions, pacing, continuity, and flow)
Image (Focus, color, and lighting)