Girl and her Monster

Everybody thought young Maxine had an invisible imaginary friend, but she didn’t – he was real, and he was a Monster, and he’s still around.

  • Terry Newman
  • Orso Vesperini
  • Carole Starcevic
  • Project Type:
    Screenplay, Television Script
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United Kingdom
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
  • Boston Independent Film Awards
    August 2, 2022
    Best Script/Unproduced script
Writer Biography - Terry Newman, Orso Vesperini, Carole Starcevic

Rapsodies team
France, USA, UK, NL, South Africa
Rapsodies is a start-up that specializes in innovative stories, conceived by American, English, French and Dutch screenwriters, who collaborate in teams. Our stories primarily target English-speaking audiences, but have a touch of French flair. ;-)

About Terry (UK)
Terry Newman is an award-winning, commissioned screenwriter, playwright, drama and comedy writer - with over a dozen commissions from the BBC - with experience of writing for television, stage, film (both live action, documentary, docudrama and animation), new media and radio.

About Orso (France)
Orso Vesperini has a double engineering and business school degree and specializes in innovation and AI. He initially comes from the gaming world. Orso has experienced strong career development in business, engineering, innovation and game scenarios. His high-level scientific knowledge contributes to make our science fiction and fantasy scenarios plausible. He is the high concept expert at Rapsodies.

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