Gabriele Gandini is an Italian artist, based in Como, interested to all the issues that goes deep into the human existance and the relationship with the universe, with natural environment, with other living speces. He sees art more like a form of pure expression than a form of communication, he tries to express himself through emotions rather than words. His favourite media is video, but he loves to explore new ways to create art. Born in Como in 2000, he has studied New Technologies of Arts at Brera Accademy of Fine Arts in Milan, where he graduated in july 2023. The documentary "Da dove verso dove" were presented hous concours at the Short Out Film Festival. With the same documentary he partecipated at the Biennal of young artists 2023 helded in Skopje, North Macedonia.
  • Writer (2 Credits)
    La Città Nuova - The New City2025
    Documentary, Experimental, Feature
  • Director (2 Credits)
    La Città Nuova - The New City2025
    Documentary, Experimental, Feature
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