GENUG is a short movie produced in 72 hours and shot on a RED DRAGON. Our topic was water and we hope that we can make you think about the today's situation.
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ENOUGH - we have enough water, but one day enough is enough!The two Students Sophie and Maggy have a Party in the evening. Normally they go along with each other but today is enough, ENOUGH!
GERMAN SYNOPIS:GENUG - einerseits haben wir genug Wasser, anderseits verbrauchen wir mehr als genug, & irgendwann ist genug mit GENUG!Die Deutschen Austauschstudentinnen Sophie und Maggy veranstalten am Abend eine WG-Party. Die beiden vertragen sich ja eigentlich ausgesprochen gut, doch an diesem Tag ist genug...GENUG.For more information about our production company check: [url][/url]
Patrik FelberDirectorfrom the horizontal to the vertical
Anja LopesWriterfrom the horizotal to the vertical
Patrik FelberKey CastBest Friends
Patrik FelberKey CastBest Friends
Patrik FelberProducerfrom the horizontal to the vertical,
Project Title (Original Language):GENUG
Project Type:Short
Genres:Comedy, Drama
Runtime:1 minute 12 seconds
Completion Date:June 30, 2016
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Switzerland
Country of Filming:Switzerland
Shooting Format:RED 4k Widescreen
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Patrik Felber
September 30, 2016
Distribution Information
Patrik FelberCountry: SwitzerlandRights: All Rights, Internet
Patrik Felber is a journalist, photographer and movie director from Switzerland. The globetrotter is workin' on many different projects such as a documentary in Malaysia, a Short movie in Hungary and Asia and many other projects around the globe. At the moment he is in the post production process of the short movie 99bpm.
His passion is caputuring moments and built stories and connect people.
For further information please check the links below:
Production company:
Movies as a director:
from the horizontal to the vertical: a nation in flux