Froggumentary follows an isolated high schooler's journey to reconnect with friends distanced by COVID and remote learning using something that isn't a brief text message or draining zoom call.
Emery SecorWriter
Emery SecorDirector
Emery SecorProducer
Mitzi McKinnonProducer
Project Type:Documentary, Short, Student
Runtime:7 minutes 24 seconds
Completion Date:July 15, 2021
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - LA County Highschool for the Arts
Emery Secor is currently a senior at LA County High School for the Arts in the cinematic department. She is passionate about writing, directing, stop motion animation, and editing. Emery also has many crafty hobbies such as crocheting, sewing, and clay working which she likes to incorporate into her films.