Forsaken Paradise

Condemned as a rogue and punished by his master, Angrail, one of the Seven Paradise Walkers, has wandered mortal and immortal worlds for centuries. He’s determined to find those responsible for killing an innocent woman and the child she carried, no matter the cost to himself.

Ephynia, a demoness with scars, has spent a lifetime serving Nerafail, Lord of the Dead. When she unwittingly stumbles upon the one being who can end her loneliness, the battered Angrail, her life changes forever.

  • Patricia Bates
    Forsaken Heart, Book One of #TheForsakenSeries
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  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Patricia Bates

Romance author, Elise Whyles is the alter-ego of Patricia Bates, she writes in several genres. Her and co-author Ciara Lake have The Forsaken Series, a paranormal erotic series. She’s adapted four of the titles into screenplays with one optioned for a feature film. Elise has made several book trailers for the series, as well she launched her blog On A Writer’s Desk, featuring topics about writing and the publishing industry.

Elise lives in Canada with her husband and son. She is currently working on another title for The Forsaken Series.

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