For a Fistful of XTC
Erwin is an idler and a casual dealer. He‘s in touch with people from the cologne underground. His reckless buddy Dino asks him once again to sell some ecstasy. However, Dino keeps from him the fact that he violently stole those pills from another dealer beforehand.
Erwin is ein Faulenzer und Gelegenheitsdealer. Er pflegt Kontakte zur Kölner Unterwelt. Sein unbesonnener Kumpel Dino bittet ihn wieder mal darum einen Abnehmer für eine kleine Menge Ecstasy zu finden. Dass er die Pillen zuvor einem Straßendealer gewaltsam entwendet hat, verschweigt er.
Dennis DemirbasDirector
Dennis DemirbasWriter
Dennis Demirbas & Leon EssinkProducer
Özgen CubukKey Cast"Erwin"
Phillip EssinkKey Cast"Dino"
Project Title (Original Language):Für 'ne Handvoll XTC
Project Type:Short, Student
Runtime:18 minutes 24 seconds
Completion Date:September 4, 2019
Production Budget:0 EUR
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:21:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
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