Private Project

Flight of the Crows

After the birth of her first child, a young woman confronts her overwhelming fears alone.

The baby’s father departs in the opening scene. Left alone, Sofia struggles with the baby’s seemingly relentless cries, her difficulties breastfeeding and her lack of sleep: a mixture of maternal love and desperation. As Sofia tries to cope, she imagines her fears playing out, as if her terrible imaginings were real. Outside her window, first one crow, then multiple crows stand watch, until at the end they all rise into the sky and fly away.

  • Sharon Patricia Burtner
  • Sharon Patricia Burtner
  • Lisa Monaise Hodsoll
  • Brian Pascale
    "Yes We Did: The People’s Inauguration", "The Road to Strathmore" and "The RoomMate"
  • Haritha Pisupati
    Key Cast
  • Yafeat Adugna
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    9 minutes 38 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    June 10, 2023
  • Production Budget:
    6,300 USD
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Lisa Monaise Hodsoll

Selected directing credits include: "Buffurducken" (winner of the Royal Reel award at the Canada International Film Festival) Shorts: "Lunch", "All That the Eye Can See", "Reverie". Plays: "Solomon and Marion" and "Augustus the Sissy" as part of the Anacostia Theater Festival and D.C. Fringe Festivals and "Most Wonderful" and "Uncle Charlie Sings" for PlayZoomers. Editing and writing credits include the feature films "Kosmopolites" and "Buffurducken". Producing credits include the film festival "An Open Road Film Festival" highlighting shorts both local and international. Among numerous acting credits, she will soon be appearing in the Apple TV series Lady In the Lake, currently in production. She founded the not for profit arts organization Open Road, a collective for producing and emerging artists. For more information:

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Director Statement

I was instantly drawn to this film because it told its story wordlessly and purely on the strength of its images and I found those images both evocative and compelling and challenging in the sense of, how are we going to realize this? I love the mystery and the ambiguity in this film and its subject matter which the screenwriter, Sharon Burtner, handles with such a deft, delicate and sensitive touch.

This film is a result of WIFV (Women In film & Video) D.C. Chapter's inaugural short film incubator program and is a recipient of the Cusumano grant for finishing funds and in-kind services from Henninger Media Services, Interface Media Group, Ott House Audio and ReelPlan. We are grateful to everyone who helped us to make this film a reality.