Script File

Flight of The Navigator II

[PG] A high concept, UFO family adventure saga. In a fast-paced, technologically advancing world shaped by classified DoD Black Project mastery, out in the Las Vegas desert. Unknowingly farmed youths undergo tests of aptitude and endurance to prove they are made of "the right stuff" to pilot highly classified and otherworldly craft while grappling with their controversial undenounced origins in situ - set against the backdrop of David Freeman’s children, and their pet dog causing chaos.

  • Michel Mesbahi
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Family adventure, UFOs
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United Kingdom
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Michel Mesbahi

Although I now live near campus, at the University of Chichester, UK, with postgraduate degree. I studied alongside legends and visionaries at the Steiner Creative Arts & Acting School in London and East Sussex, such as the likes of David Gilmour's family, the late James Lebon's and his family. Notably also where the The Eurythmics aspired from. And last but not least, where I rubbed shoulders with one of James Lebon's nephews, one of Frank Zapper's drummer's sons, as a best friend.

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Writer Statement

My goal is to thrill, captivate, and inspire audiences worldwide through compelling storytelling, breath-taking high concept visuals, and immersive experiences. My mission is to create unforgettable cinematic journeys that ignite emotions, provoke thought, and leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of viewers, by pushing creative boundaries, and embracing diverse perspectives. Thus, I aim to craft film to entertain, challenge, and resonate for generations and decades to come.