This Festival has at its heart the objective of promoting the Arrábida Region in the world of cinema and thus attracting directors and producers to one of the best and most interesting destinations with the highest number of hours of sunshine in Europe for cinema. It is with great satisfaction that we receive an increasing number of requests for films in the region, from major film production companies to cutting-edge advertising brands for advertising campaigns. Every year we challenge those who visit us during the festival to produce at least one short video to publicize the festival itself, the region or the country. This challenge has become a real promotion engine for Portugal and the Arrábida region.
We will also hold a festival in Hawaii (USA) end Sesimbra (Portugal) as a way to gain a new market. In this 4th edition, the Jury will be composed of 13 members linked to Cinema and Tourism.
The main objective of the Arrábida Film Commission in Portugal that organizes this festival is to promote and support the various cinematographic productions filmed in the Region and we believe that in the future the festival can become an important catalyst in the promotion of film tourism in the region.

Este Festival tem no seu cerne o objetivo de promover a Região da Arrábida no mundo do cinema e assim atrair realizadores e produtores para um dos melhores e mais interessantes destinos com maior número de horas de sol na Europa para o cinema. É com grande satisfação que recebemos um número cada vez maior de pedidos de filmes na região, desde grandes produtoras de cinema a marcas publicitárias de ponta para campanhas publicitárias. Todos os anos desafiamos quem nos visita durante o festival, a produzir pelo menos um pequeno vídeo de divulgação do próprio festival, da região ou do país. Este desafio tornou-se um verdadeiro motor de promoção de Portugal e da região da Arrábida.
Iremos também realizar o festival em Porto Seguro e Arraial d'Ajuda, na Bahia, como forma de ganhar um novo mercado. Nesta 4ª edição, o Júri será composto por 13 membros ligados ao Cinema e Turismo.
A Arrábida Film Commission em Portugal que organiza este festival tem como principal objetivo a promoção e apoio às várias produções cinematográficas filmadas na Região e acreditamos que no futuro o festival poderá tornar-se num importante catalisador na promoção do cineturismo na região .

First, you will also have to insert your film into one of the seven MANDATORY genre categories:
• Documentary
• Short Documentary
• Promotion
• Advertising
• Timelapse
• Drone
• TV Séries/ Blogger / Vlogger and Youtubers tourism films
• IA (Artificial intelligence) Turistic Movies

Jury will also distinguish with a trophy the films that stand out in the following technical and artistic categories:
•Best Cinematography/ Photography
•Best Soundtrack;
•Best Script / Screenplay/ Argument;
•Best Creativity / Innovation;
•Best Visual Effects
•Best Director/ Direction;
•Best Post - Production/ Editing

Will also be awarded with a trophy, the best film from each "Thematic" Categories:
◦Religious Tourism Films
◦Mountain Tourism Films
◦Beach & Sea Tourism Films
◦Travel Tourism Films
◦Destinations Tourism Films
◦Nature and Wildlife Tourism Films
◦Places in History Tourism Films
◦Human Life
◦Services Tourism Films
◦Environment and Sustainability
◦Touristic Cities

Article 1 | Organization
1.The Finisterra – Brazil Film Art & Tourism Festival, hereinafter identified by Festival, is an annual event promoted by Arrábida Film Commission Association;
2.The organization of the festival is the responsibility of:
a.Carlos Sargedas Director;
b.Arrábida Film Commission;

Article 2 | Objectives
The Festival objectives are to reward films and audiovisual works that effectively promote tourism, in any of its multiple dimensions:
•To promote the implementation of good practices in tourism, according to the assumptions of social responsibility and sustainable development;
•Encourage young people to engage in directing and producing travel movies.

Article 3 | Movies Genres
The Festival accepts, selects and shows audiovisual productions of eight genres:
•Advertising Movies, lasting up to 3 minutes;
•Promotion Movies, lasting up to 15 minutes;
•Documentaries up to 60 minutes;
•Short Documentaries, up to 30 minutes
•Drone Films
◦TV Séries/ Blogger/Vlogger e Youtubers Tourism Films
• IA (Artificial intelligence) Turistic Movies

Article 4 | Access Conditions
May participate in the Festival movies that meet the following requirements:
•Must be produced less than four years;
•Must be in any language but must contain English or Portuguese subtitles.

Article 5 | Movies application
1.Entries must be submitted online, until April 20, 2025, on the FilmFreeway
2.If the candidate has doubts about whether the film meets the criteria for entry, the applicant should make a provisional registration by sending the film and making the online application. If the opinion of the Executive Committee is favorable, the candidate must make the final registration
3.The participants will be notified when upon acceptance of their registration.

Article 6 | Authorial Rights
Each participant is responsible for the content of his work and for eventual authorial rights problems. The participant is the holder of all rights regarding the use of his work, according to the liability to third parties. The executive committee has the right to reject films whose content or technical quality, does not satisfy the requirements for the Festival.

Article 7 | Pre Selection
•A selection committee (appointed previously by the executive committee, and composed of experts in the fields of audiovisual arts and tourism), will make a preliminary evaluation of the films in the competition.
•The selection committee may propose that certain films be presented extra contest.

Article 8 | Jury
•The jury, appointed by the organizing committee is made up of some of these elements: film and television directors, tourism experts, film critics, journalists, film producers and higher education teachers of scientific areas.
•The jury will evaluate the materials selected by the selection committee with full independence, and whose decisions are final.
•The jury as a whole or each of its elements has no responsibility for prizes that can be assigned by the executive committee.
If it sees fit, the jury may award prizes "ex aequo".
2.The score in each of the five criteria mentioned above will vary between a minimum of 1 point and a maximum of 10 points: Poor (1 and 2), Enough (3 and 4), Good (5 and 6), Very Good (7 and 8) Excellent (9 and 10).
3.The scores will not be disclosed. Only the three highest scores films in each category will be released.

Article 9 | Appointments and Awards by Category
1.The five highest rated films in each category make up the Festival shortlist (nominations);
2.Depending on the number of films entered in each of the themes categories, the following prizes will be awarded:
1.1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes, if the minimum of films entered is more than eight films;
2.1st and 2nd Prizes, if the minimum for films entered is between 5 and 7;
3.1st Prize, if the number of films entered is 3 or 4;
4.No prize will be awarded if the number of applicants is 1 or 2.

Article 10 | Grand Prize
The Finisterra Brazil Grand Prize will be awarded to the film that the jury considers to be the best among all the movies that integrate the Festival nominations (shortlist), regardless of the specific category that competes.

Article 11 | Artistic Prizes
1.The jury also distinguishes with a trophy, the movies that stand out in the following technical and artistic categories:
◦Best Cinematography/ Photography
•Best Soundtrack;
•Best Script / Screenplay/ Argument;
•Best Creativity / Innovation;
•Best Visual Effects
•Best Director/ Direction;
•Best Post - Production / Edition

2.Will also be awarded with a trophy, the best film from each "Thematic" Categories:
◦Religious Tourism Films
◦Mountain Tourism Films
◦Beach & Sea Tourism Films
◦Travel Tourism Films
◦Destinations Tourism Films
◦Nature and Wildlife Tourism Films
◦Places in History Tourism Films
◦Human Life
◦Service Tourism Films
◦Environment and Sustainability
◦Touristic Cities

3.Also as an incentive, encourage participation and filmmaking to students from schools Cinema, Tourism, Technology and Audiovisuals will be awarded a Diploma with the top 3 of all films regardless of the specific category it competes.

Article 12 | Special Awards of the Organization
In addition to the jury’s awards, the Executive Committee and the Festival Directors may decide to award films, personalities and organizations for their contribution in promoting tourism.

Article 13 | Participation Certificates
The Executive Committee, awards a participation certificate to all the movies enrolled in the Festival.

Article 14 | Cession of broadcasting rights
By signing the entry form, the applicant authorizes the display of his film for promotional purposes and the public exhibition during the Festival:
•On the website of the Festival;
•In academic events, universities or colleges, for dissemination of the Festival and / or training of students;
•In any event the Festival is held, where participants or winners are cited.
•On TV programs in TV PORTO in Porto Seguro , Brazil

Article 15 | Exclusive rights of the Executive Committee
•The Executive Committee decides on the date and Festival Schedule, including the films exhibition sequence.
•The Executive Committee also decides the exclusion of films, where it considers justified, and acts on any other issues not included in this regulation, but related to the organization of the Festival.

Article 16 | Additional Information
To clarify any questions or additional information, contact the Executive Committee by e-mail: or phone +351 938 857 701 in Portugal.

Article 17 | Acceptance of regulations
Participation in the Festival is dependent upon acceptance of this regulation.

Overall Rating
  • Arjav Vyas

    A huge thank you to the Finisterra Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival for awarding Greener Zanzibar with Best Hospitality Film! We are incredibly honored and grateful for this recognition. The festival's warm atmosphere, impeccable organization, and inspiring events created a truly memorable experience. This award validates our efforts to showcase sustainable tourism and provides fantastic exposure for our work. Thank you again for this unforgettable opportunity!

    October 2024
  • I am grateful that your esteemed film festival selected my films as winners in multiple categories. I truly appreciate the prompt communication and professionalism throughout the process. I would especially like to thank Carlos Sargedas for his professionalism and humble approach. I feel deeply honored.

    September 2024
  • Sarao Films

    Great festival. All was perfect!

    October 2023
    Response from festival:

    Thank you very much for your words. They are very rewarding and motivating for us.

  • A very good festival which I was happy to take part in 2023 with my film "Mamody, the last baobab digger". Very good organization and quality of the films selected for the program.

    September 2023
    Response from festival:

    Thank you very much for your words. They are very rewarding and motivating for us.

  • Sequerra Miguel

    Great organization with very good quality works presents in the festival. Keep up the good job

    September 2023
    Response from festival:

    Obrigado amigo. As tuas palavras são certamente um incentivo para continuarmos.