The Showcase entails the screening of a series of selected short films directed by Warwick filmmakers (current students and alumni). The films will be selected by a jury composed of five members: The Film Critic, The Film Buff, The Filmmaker, The Erudite and The Honorary Member. Each and every one of them will bring to the table a different way of understanding and appreciating films.

The event is very unique in its genre since it blends the American Talk Show genre with the Film Festival genre. There is going to be a host, a live band and much more.

It’s going to be interactive, it’s going to be fun, it’s going to be one of a kind.

The audience will be invited to submit their votes to give the Audience Award, whose winner will receive a framed award, the official laurel of the Showcase and a gift card.

1. The film MUST be directed or produced by a current University of Warwick (UK) student or an alumni. In order for your submission to be considered please submit with a Warwick University e-mail address or any other kind of proof that you are a current student or alumni. Submissions that do not meet this criteria will be directly disqualified. Please refrain from submitting your film if you do not meet this criteria.
2. The showcase is open to short films of all production techniques, including animation, documentary, drama, experimental or artist film and hybrid work from low to high budgets.
3. The primary contact completing the submission must be authorized to submit the film for consideration.
Whether the film contains any non-copyrighted images and/or music does not matter for the first stage of selection. However the primary contact might be asked to provide a version of the film without the non-copyrighted music at later stages to prevent issues with the venue in which WFS16 will take place.
4. There are no premiere or prior screening restrictions for short films. Shorts may have been broadcast on television or the internet, released via any home video outlet, and/or publicly screened anywhere in the world and still remain eligible for consideration by the Showcase.

5. There is no submission fee to enter the Warwick Filmmakers’ Showcase.

6. Applicants may enter as many films as they wish - Please note each entry requires a separate upload.

7. If the original language of any dialogue or text featured in the film is not English, the preview and screening copy must be subtitled in English - unless dialogue or commentary is unnecessary for comprehension and appreciation.

8. A film’s success is dependent not on its budget or length, but on its core vision and the creativity/efficiency with which it communicates that vision.
9. No cuts or changes to any film will be made by the Festival management for any reason.
10. Successful entrants will be notified of their inclusion in the showcase by the beginning of June 2018. Those entrants who have been 'In Consideration' but ultimately have been not accepted will also receive email notification at this time AND personally crafted feeback on their work.
11. All films are viewed by more than one person to be given a nonsubjective decision. The final selection of all films presented at the Showcase and their placement in the programme is the responsibility of the Programme Coordinator (Marianna Beltrami) and five jury members.

12. In addition to the reproduction of stills and clips of selected films (under 3 minutes or 10% of the total length of the film*) for all Filmmakers’ publications, festival trailer, press and TV coverage, they may also be screened as part of preview screenings to promote the event.

13. By agreeing to proceed with your submission you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions and your application can then be processed. Entry of a film is binding and implies acceptance of these regulations.