Figlia unica

It's mid-summer in Terracina. Lavinia is at home with her little brother Elia when Giulio, her summer crush, arrives, eager to spend the day with her. He enters the house and distracts Elia with a treasure hunt, allowing him to have some private time with Lavinia. Finally alone, Giulio and Lavinia move to her bedroom. Giulio shows off his new tattoo, which fascinates Lavinia so much that she feels compelled to touch it. The situation both excites and unnerves her, almost as much as the thought of changing clothes in front of Giulio to go to the beach, leaving Elia alone at home.

  • Jonathan Lotto
  • Domitilla Romanazzo
  • Jonathan Lotto
  • Domitilla Romanazzo
  • Odv Gruppo Volontariato
  • Protezione Civile dell’Associazione Nazionale Polizia di Stato Terracina
  • Susanna Vavassori
  • Jonathan Lotto
  • Domitilla Romanazzo
  • Ludovica Rubino
    Key Cast
  • Dario Naglieri
    Key Cast
  • Edoardo Corona
    Key Cast
  • Callum Begley
  • Claudia De Salve
  • Irene Coveri
  • Benedetta Bodini
  • Luca Iulianetti
  • Marta Solari
    Costumes Designer
  • Benedetta Corsini
    Costumes Designer
  • Marco Lo Tufo
  • Alessio Battagion
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Figlia unica
  • Project Type:
    Short, Student
  • Genres:
    Drama, Coming of age
  • Runtime:
    15 minutes 4 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    June 6, 2024
  • Production Budget:
    20,000 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano
Distribution Information
  • Cattive Distribuzioni
    Country: Worldwide
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Jonathan Lotto, Domitilla Romanazzo

Jonathan Lotto

Born in Vicenza in 2000 and passionate cinephile, he began a personal and self-taught study of cinema during his adolescence. After finishing his higher studies, he worked for three years, before moving to Milan in 2022 and embarking on his academic career at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti). Between the first and the second academic year he wrote and directed the debut short film "Figlia Unica" together with Domitilla Romanazzo.

Domitilla Romanazzo
Born in Rome in 2002, she spent her adolescence between the Italian capital and Terracina, the small maritime town which inspired the short film "Figlia Unica". Passionate about cinema since the age of fourteen, she moved to Milan in 2021, abandoning her Law studies to embark on her academic career at the New Academy of Fine Arts, which she still attends. In 2023 she began to design the project "Figlia Unica" in collaboration with Jonathan Lotto, a short film debut for both as directors and screenwriters.

Jonathan Lotto

Nasce a Vicenza nel 2000. Appassionato cinefilo, durante l’adolescenza inizia un personale ed autodidatta studio del cinema. Terminati gli studi superiori lavora per tre anni, prima di trasferirsi a Milano nel 2022 intraprendendo il percorso accademico alla NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti). A cavallo fra il primo ed il secondo anno accademico scrive e dirige il cortometraggio d’esordio “Figlia Unica” insieme a Domitilla Romanazzo.

Domitilla Romanazzo

Nata a Roma nel 2002, trascorre l’adolescenza tra la capitale e Terracina, piccola cittadina marittima spunto del cortometraggio “Figlia Unica”. Appassionata di cinema dall’età di quattordici anni, si trasferisce a Milano nel 2021, abbandonando gli studi di Giurisprudenza per intraprendere il suo percorso accademico alla Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, che tutt’ora frequenta. Nel 2023 inizia a ideare il progetto “Figlia Unica” in collaborazione con Jonathan Lotto, cortometraggio d’esordio di regia e sceneggiatura per entrambi.

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