scannerFM are calling for entries for the 3rd Femifilms Short Film Competition. Femifilms is a project promoted and produced by scannerFM in collaboration with Metges del Món, the Festival Dona-Art en Femení and Àrea Visual.

This initiative aims to recognize and reward new national and international talents in audiovisual production with a gender perspective. The main objective is to promote LGTBIQ+ representation in social and cultural spheres to normalize sexual and gender diversities and create a culture of respect and inclusion for all.


5 prizes (+ the audience award) and 4 honorable mentions will be awarded as follows:
Jury voting:
PURPLE AWARD for best GHRBA approach

Popular vote on Instagram:
AUDIENCE AWARD for the best short film chosen by the number of interactions on Instagram. Interactions will be counted right up to 2:00 p.m. CEST on the day of the awards ceremony.

The same short could receive both the Jury Award as well as Audience Awards.
Should the jury’s vote end in a tie, femifilms Festival organization reserves the
right to break the tie and choose the winners.
Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony of the II femifilms Festival.
The list of winners will be published later on the website.
Prizes will be collected by each winner, personally or through a representative, at the Awards Gala of the III femifilms Festival.
Prizes will be available on the website and cannot be exchanged for their cash value.
-All prizes will be subject to withholding taxes determined by the law in force in Spain.

1- Entrants must be at least 18 years old.
2- No one related to the contest organization may enter the competition.
3- Participants must hold all rights, permissions and copyright of the film,
including music, sound, graphics, etc. as well as image release forms. The
organization declines all responsibility in this regard. Participants grant scannerFM and other festival producers a nonexclusive distribution rights for the works submitted. The short films will be launched on YouTube and may be released on other social media platforms or be part of screenings and other contest activities. In any case, the organization is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the participants in their works and all responsibility lies with their authors.

1- Maximum length, including credits, is 20 minutes except for short documentaries which can be up to 30 minutes.
2- Projects must be original and previously unreleased and produced from 1st January 2023 to June 1st 2024.
3- At the organizers discretion, all short films received may be uploaded to the Femifilms festival's social media and networks, and will be available for public viewing.
4- The organization may exclude short films whose content does not respect
human rights or democratic values, or is offensive or disrespectful towards
individuals or groups.
5- Film production must include women in the technical and/or artistic crew.
6- Short films should highlight the different intersectionalities affecting women (gender identity, racialization, social status, sexual consent and agency, education, among others).
7- Shorts may be filmed in any language and must be send with a script or a
transcription of the dialogues in one of the following languages: Catalan, Spanish, French, Portuguese or English.

1- A professionally qualified team will view the films and decide on the shortlisted titles.
2- femifilms will appoint a jury consisting of a selection of experts in filmmaking, digital communication and gender equality to select the winning films.
3- The jury’s vote is final and will be based on criteria valuing creativity, technical quality and content relevance.
4- All short films will be available for viewing at and on the contest Instagram profile.
5- It will be possible to follow the contest, join the voting and contribute to promoting a gender and human rights-based approach (GHRBA) in social networks using the hashtag #femifilms.
6- Submissions open at 18:00 h. on March 18, 2024 and close at 14:00 h CEST
on May 31, 2024. Organizers reserve the right to extend this deadline if necessary.
In the event of such a change, this will be duly communicated on the femifilms
Instagram channel.
7- The selection process for a shortlist will begin once the call for entries is closed.
8- The jury will choose winners in all modalities from the shortlisted films.
9- The list of finalists will be announced on October 21st 2024 on the contest website and Instagram channel. Likewise, the shortlisted participants will be notified about the awards ceremony, where the winning short films will be announced.
10- femifilms 24 Awards and Closing ceremony will be held in Barcelona in November 2024. A live broadcast of the ceremony will take place on Instagram, if possible. The jury's decision and the Audience Award will be published on the project's website
11- Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions, as well as any resolution by the organizers of possible unforeseen events not included in them. Should a film be excluded because of failure to comply with these rules, the jury´s next-best rated film will be included in the competition.

Overall Rating
  • Ananthakrishnan PILLAI

    Very less emails, no Q/A , no screening fee

    January 2025
  • Marius Conrotto

    Proud to be screened in the Casino Prado of Sitges and be awarded. Friendly festival.

    November 2024
    Response from festival:

    Thanks Màrius. An awesome short movie. Congratulations

  • Un evento sencillamente maravilloso para todas nosotras, y encima, proviniendo de uno de los lugares más adorados por cineastas alrededor del mundo: Sitges, Barcelona. ¡Qué pasada!

    Disfruta gratis de nuestro corto "Amor sin féretro" (Love Without a Casket) en:

    January 2024
    Response from festival:

    Gracias Laura María

  • Ananth krishnan

    its another random festival without any communication

    January 2024
  • it is very nice,l like it !!!!!

    October 2023
    Response from festival:

    Thanks so much