The FIRE!! Mostra is the first LGBT film festival in Spain: established in 1995 by Casal Lambda, in Barcelona, it addresses affective diversity in its broadest sense through a careful selection of feature films, documentaries and short films. A selection of art-house cinema and an educational approach are its main characteristics.

Throughout two weeks at the beginning of June - mainly at the French Institute but also at other different indoor or open-air venues in the city -, a wide range of public is invited to enjoy this Barcelona cultural landmark, with stories and testimonials of free people, creators who break barriers and fighters for human rights, all of whom help with love to build a fairer and freer world.

The festival's name is a tribute to the late 20s New York magazine of the same name, FIRE!!, led by the black gay writer Richard Bruce Nugent, portrayed in one of the most iconic films of the festival, Brother to Brother, which we screened a few years ago.

- Festival Award for Best LGBTI Feature Film
- Festival Award for Best LGBTI Documentary Film
- Festival Award for Best LGBTI Short Film

- Public Award for Best LGBTI Feature Film
- Public Award for Best LGBTI Documentary Film

All awards are honorary.

Categories: feature films, documentaries and short films focused EXCLUSIVELY on Lesbian, Gay, Transexual, Transgender an Bisexual topics.

ATTENTION: other movies with NO LGTBI topics WON'T BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION. Please DO NOT send a movie with no LGBTI topic... Otherwise, we will receive too many works and won't be able to do a correct selection. Thank you!

Important: the film should not have been projected in Barcelona before the date of the Mostra FIRE!!

The festival concedes five HONORARY Awards:

- Festival Award for Best LGBTI Feature Film
- Festival Award for Best LGBTI Documentary Film
- Festival Award for Best LGBTI Short Film
- Public Award for Best LGBTI Feature Film
- Public Award for Best LGBTI Documentary Film

Deadline for the sending of the screeners through FilmFreeway: 10th of March 2025.

Please join the following information: Full title of the film, Category (feature, documentary or short film), Name of the director, Year of releasing, Country, Duration, Original language, Languages of subtitles available, Synopsis, Available formats for screenings, Name of the person responsible for festivals in Spain, E-mail adress and telephone.

For your information, our copies formats for projections are DCP, HD File or Blu Ray.

Overall Rating
  • Hadi Moussally

    Amazing festival with great selection and hospitality. I totally recommend and can’t wait to come back!

    June 2022
  • Pierre GAFFIÉ

    Though I couldn't attend (with the short "20 meters of love in Montmartre"), I think and have the impression that the festival is very well run. I was regularly updated with news, precisions about the schedule of the screenings, etc. The festival's website is well made. At one point I thought that a member of our crew could go to Barcelona and present the film, and the festival responded very well. So it's good ! Mochas gracias !

    July 2017
    Logo fire!! medium
    Response from festival:

    Merci, Pierre, pour votre si aimable commentaire! Le festival s'est en effet très bien déroulé, et nous étions ravis de pouvoir projeter "20 mètres d'amour à Montmartre". La projection a eu lieu dans le cadre d'un programme de court-métrages que le public a beaucoup apprécié dans son ensemble, et ce court-métrage tout en particulier.

    Vous trouverez le détail de cette projection ici:

    En esperant avoir le plaisir de collaborer de nouveau avec vous dans le futur, et bien amicalement,

    Antoine Leonetti

    Antoine Leonetti - Co-director and Programmer
    Fire!! Mostra Internacional de cinema gai i lesbià
    Av. del Marquès de l’Argentera, 22 - 08003 BARCELONA
    + 34 655 085 330