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Eva, Small women grow up…in Milan

Eva is a small 11-year-old woman, who came from Kenya 6 years ago, with her dreams and aspirations that she tries to put into practice with an all-Milan rhythm.
In fact she is always very linked to her origin and not only retains the memory but, , thanks to the context in which she lives, a family group with which she makes shows of dances and traditional songs, is very much alive in her! She shows it to us and tells it to us.
A tender portrait, where emerges a determined character and a strong and open personality, ready to make dialogue in its being the richness of different cultures.

  • elena bedei
  • mela tomaselli
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Eva, Piccole donne crescono ...a Milano
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    21 minutes 19 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    November 16, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    3,000 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Concorso Docucity - Milano 2020
    December 5, 2020
    2 premio
Director Biography - elena bedei

The director, Elena Bedei, has been especially interested in social matters and documentation in Africa since 1974. From 1978 to 1999 she was the author, journalist and director of a mini-fiction series, reports and TV programs for Rai and Canale 5. In 2000 she founded Eblab Filmstudio, directing the following films: “Al Amari Social Club” (documentary) in 'refuge camp' of Ramallah in Palestine for the Terres des Hommes Italia Foundation; a series of docu fictions in Burkina Faso – “Mass media and human rights”, a project promoted by the European Community. By the Italian Ministery of Foreign Affairs (Department for International Cooperation), she was committed for a video documentation about Italian development projects in Marocco, Tunisia, Mauritania.

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Director Statement

L’attenzione per la ‘condizione umana’ (nel senso di evoluzione storica, sociale e politica)
vuole essere la chiave di narrazione del mio lavoro, partendo sempre da avvenimenti o situazioni specifiche e memorie personali per indagare il senso della realtà odierna.
attualmente narro della trasformazione della nostra societa, attraverso video ritratti di gente comune ma diversa ... ognuno con la sua storia . Ho appena finito di montare un film girato in uno SPRAR dove 5 ragazzi somali si raccontano nelle loro immense difficolta e nelle loro speranze altrettanto immense.
Perche amo molto questo genere di narrazione.
Il ritratto è in generale la rappresentazione di una persona nel suo istante che rivela tutta una storia di vita vissuta
E’una porzione di vita incorniciate da un'inquadratura