Ethan Kauffman is a Film student at American University with a passion for crafting impactful stories through visual media. With a strong foundation in documentary and narrative filmmaking, Ethan focuses on creating narratives that inspire change and provoke thought.
Writer (3 Credits)
A Breath of Fresh Air
Student, Short Script
No Way Out
Student, Short Script
The Moments After2020
Short, Student
Editor (3 Credits)
Study Tree2023
Short, Student
Dear Future Me...2020
Documentary, Short, Student, Other
The Moments After2020
Short, Student
Director (3 Credits)
Always There2021
Short, Student
Dear Future Me...2020
Documentary, Short, Student, Other
The Moments After2020
Short, Student
Producer (2 Credits)
Dear Future Me...2020
Documentary, Short, Student, Other
The Moments After2020
Short, Student
Acting (2 Credits)
Always There2021
Short, Student
Dear Future Me...2020
Documentary, Short, Student, Other
Director of Photographer (1 Credit)
Study Tree2023
Short, Student
3 Awards & Selections
Official Selection Dear Future Me...
Force For Good Film Festival for High School Students Notre Dame, Indiana