Script Files
Emma Who?
A daughter returns home to discover her father in the early stages of dementia. However, given their tumultuous relationship, she is torn between caring for him, leaving him to his own devices, or finding a nursing home that will take him in.
Laura Michelle EdmundsonWriter
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:141
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
Laura has a degree in creative writing from the University of Houston - Victoria. After growing weary of writing for other people, she finally started her own production company with the intention of producing her own material and assisting other local artists do the same. She has never been happier as a struggling writer.
Emma Who draws on a lot of personal experience I saw from family members and years I worked in dementia care. It's an important story to be told because not all endings are tied up in a nice neat little bow.