Experiencing Interruptions?

Rock in the North

Independent documentary that tells the story of the rock scene in the north of the country (Rivera - Uruguay) in an impartial way.
With 50 interviews conducted in the city of Rivera with rock leaders, adding more than 60 bands that through their anecdotes and points of view tell us the trajectory, evolution and transcendence of northern rock.
In addition to having the exclusive participation of 7 members of the most important rock bands at a national level such as:
Buitres, Trotsky Vengarán, La Celda, Coff Coff, La tabaré, etc; which were recorded in the national capital Montevideo.

Independent production company: DOBLE A FILMS in co-production with |SESSIONES, these two production houses being the intellectual property of the director, one of them dedicated to the Audiovisual sector and the other to the production of musical cultural events and television programs in favor of regional artists.

  • gabriel pereira
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    El Rock en el Norte
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    2 hours 50 minutes
  • Production Budget:
    1,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - gabriel pereira

Realizador Audiovisual (PRODUCER)
Músico - Compositor (Musician - Composer)
Creador de Contenido (Content creator)
Realizador de eventos Músico-culturales (Event Maker Musician)

Nacido el 12 de Julio del año 1987 en la ciudad de Rivera (Uruguay)
Desde la adolescencia me interesé por la música y llegué a formar parte de varios
proyectos musicales dentro de la escena del rock y el metal tocando la batería.

Ya en el año 2015 empecé a estudiar fotografía y también me enamoré del cine y
de las producciones audiovisuales en general, produciendo contenido para bandas locales
en el área de videoclips y registros de eventos.

Creé la empresa [DOBLE A FILMS], la cual es mi fuente de ingresos principal, trabajando
en el área de registros de eventos sociales principalmente y también haciendo todo tipo
de contenido audiovisual como Documentales, programas de televisión, etc.

En el año 2023 fundé junto a mi hermano y varios amigos el Grupo de Cine Independiente
“Matroska Films”, con el único fin de fomentar el cine independiente en la región a través
de producciones de cortometrajes, documentales y festivales de cine.

E tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en todo el país en distintas propuestas tanto comerciales
como no comerciales e incluso e llegado a trabajar para la famosa empresa internacional
Coca-Cola en la producción de una pieza audiovisual de carácter documental en la región
donde vivo, haciendo el trabajo de captación de imágenes y sonido.

Mi primer experiencia en cortometrajes fué en el año 2019 cuando realicé una producción
enteramente independiente y sin recursos financieros llamada: “On-Off”, la cual trata sobre
los problemas más comunes de la juventud actual.

Mi anhelo a futuro es poder llevar adelante proyectos que fomenten el cine en la región.

Born on July 12, 1987 in the city of Rivera (Uruguay)
Since I was a teenager I was interested in music and I became part of several
musical projects within the rock and metal scene playing drums.

Already in 2015 I started studying photography and I also fell in love with cinema and
of audiovisual productions in general, producing content for local bands
in the video clips and event logs area.

I created the company [DOBLE A FILMS], which is my main source of income, working
in the area of social event registrations mainly and also doing all kinds
audiovisual content such as Documentaries, television programs, etc.

In 2023, I founded the Independent Film Group with my brother and several friends.
“Matroska Films”, with the sole purpose of promoting independent cinema in the region through
of short film productions, documentaries and film festivals.

I have had the opportunity to work throughout the country on different commercial proposals
as non-commercial and even came to work for the famous international company
Coca-Cola in the production of a documentary audiovisual piece in the region
where I live, doing the work of capturing images and sound.

My first experience in short films was in 2019 when I made a production
entirely independent and without financial resources called: “On-Off”, which is about
the most common problems of today's youth.

My hope for the future is to be able to carry out projects that promote cinema in the region.

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