Dwitwo is a philosophical thriller short film, based on an Ancient Chinese philosophy called “Yin and Yang”, a concept of dualism. Through two completely opposite characters and their series of activities, this short film represents two concepts of "Yin and Yang".
All the opposing or contrary forces and contents may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world. Various content such as light-dark, good-bad, cold-hot, help-loss, top-down, before-after, etc. are highlighted in the film in various ways, such as in the cinematography, presentation and characters’ activities.
In the good there is bad and the bad there is good. This concept is presented through the theme of the film.
Sizan XawadyDirector
Sizan XawadyWriter
Shafik AhmedProducer
Sizan XawadyProducer
Ifti AhmedKey Cast
Sizan XawadyKey Cast
Shafik AhmedEditor
Sizan XawadyCinematographer
Shafik AhmedCinematographer
Project Title (Original Language):দ্বিত্ব
Project Type:Short, Student
Genres:Philosophical, Thriller, Drama, Mystery, Psychological
Runtime:7 minutes 27 seconds
Completion Date:January 27, 2020
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Bangladesh
Country of Filming:Bangladesh
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Sizan Xawady is passionate in script writing,direction, acting & editing. He is studying Bechelor of Urban & Regional Planning at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology. He is an Assistant General Secretary at KUET Film Society. He is also a content creator at a youtube channel named Super Production. He was in the "Top 6 Contestants" in "Banglalink NextTuber" and won the "Best Potential Award"
Film is an art with entertainments.