Private Project


Marco, a 45-year-old businessman, faces a terrifying reality after downloading a viral app. What begins as the virtual #DarkSideChallenge turns into a nightmare when a digital entity called Doppel forces him to confront his darkest secrets. As his life falls apart and his privacy is completely invaded, Marco's desperation leads him to a final confrontation with his own demons.

  • Daniela Alejandra Hernandez Álvarez
  • Séptimo Díaz
  • Séptimo Díaz
  • Cesar Enrique Madrigal
    Key Cast
  • Camila Polin
    Director's Assistant
  • Alejandro Subia
  • Black Taurus Studios
    Production Company
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Suspense, Techno Horror
  • Runtime:
    7 minutes 25 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    June 30, 2024
  • Production Budget:
    810 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital 4k
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • LA International Horror Film Festival
    Los Angeles
    United States
    October 31, 2024
    Official Selection
  • Los Angeles Film & Documentary Awards
    Los Angeles
    United States
    Official Selection
Director Biography - Daniela Alejandra Hernandez Álvarez

Co-founder of Black Taurus Studios, a bold and visionary production company specialized in creating disturbing narratives that explore the depths of today's societies, the human psyche and the limits of reality.

Cinephile, writer and entrepreneur in the creative industry, Daniela is a content creator with a critical sense, seeking to raise awareness through entertainment.

Her mantra is:
'The best arguments in the world won't change a person's mind. The only thing that can do that is a good story.' -Richard Powers.

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Director Statement

How much data does your cell phone store about you? In a hyperconnected world and with the growing intervention of artificial intelligence in our lives, are we really aware of the amount of information that exists about us? And how could that data be used for or against us?

"Doppel" arises from a concern about the power and control that technology has over us, and how our actions, fears and secrets can be exploited in unimaginable ways. I wanted to reflect how something as seemingly harmless as a viral app can trigger a series of catastrophic events, exposing human vulnerabilities in their rawest form.

"Doppel" is a warning to reflect on how we are taking care of or exposing our privacy, how authentic and vulnerable we are to artificial intelligence and whether it could make us redundant.

¿Cuántos datos guarda tu celular sobre ti? En un mundo hiperconectado y con la creciente intervención de la inteligencia artificial en nuestras vidas, ¿somos realmente conscientes de la cantidad de información que existe sobre nosotros? ¿Y cómo podrían usarse esos datos a nuestro favor o en nuestra contra?

"Doppel" surge de la preocupación por el poder y el control que la tecnología tiene sobre nosotros, y de cómo nuestras acciones, miedos y secretos pueden ser explotados de formas inimaginables. Quise reflejar cómo algo tan aparentemente inofensivo como una aplicación viral puede desencadenar una serie de eventos catastróficos, exponiendo las vulnerabilidades humanas en su forma más cruda.

"Doppel" es una advertencia para reflexionar sobre cómo estamos cuidando o exponiendo nuestra privacidad, cuán auténticos y vulnerables somos ante la inteligencia artificial y si esta podría llegar a hacernos redundantes.