Don't know
Rani wants to know where her father is. He always asked his mother, but her mother did not answer what he asked. When Rani was 17 years old, she felt she deserved to know her father. But there was only a fight between mother and child.
Bagus Satrio Pamungkas Endi SyahputraDirector
Maulana Latif HanafiDirector
Bagus Satrio PamungkasWriterEndi Syahputra
Maulana Latif HanafiProducer
Nadinda Yofani MurahartaProducer
Calista Aluna GistyKey Cast"Rani"
Sania KhairrunnisaKey Cast"Sari"
Shairany Ayu OctavianaKey Cast"Mak Warsiti"
Adanan Nur FatihKey Cast"Pak Topo"
Pradista Ayu AsmorojatiKey Cast"Icha"
Andini Eka PratiwiKey Cast"Yesi"
Maulana Latif HanafiDirector of Photography
Salsabila Rona KhairunisaArt Director
Maulana Latif HanafiEditing
Maulana Latif HanafiGaffer
Project Title (Original Language):Tanpo Dunung
Project Type:Short
Runtime:8 minutes 37 seconds
Completion Date:June 16, 2024
Production Budget:45 USD
Country of Origin:Indonesia
Country of Filming:Indonesia
Shooting Format:35MM
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - SMK Negeri 1 Wonosari
Bagus Satrio Pamungkas Endi Syahputra adalah seorang pembuat film asal Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, yang lahir pada 10 Mei 2008. Karyanya berakar pada budaya Jawa, dengan fokus pada dinamika rumah tangga, komunikasi nonverbal, dan dampak keputusan orang dewasa terhadap anak-anak. Dalam filmnya, ia berusaha menggambarkan realitas sosial yang sering tersembunyi, mengajak penonton untuk merenungkan makna keluarga dan identitas.
The film is rooted in Javanese culture, where family honor and nonverbal realities dictate the dynamics of household interactions. In the story, I tried to depict the most often hidden consequences of adult decisions that are damaged on the manchik, and therefore, reversible. Rani's journey is a reflection of hundreds of other children who have to wake up to the strange reality of one body unit.