A man who is searching for answers deep within himself, finds a mysterious tunnel in the forest, only to gain even more questions than he had before.
Felix LeggettDirectorWhere The Water Ends
Felix LeggettWriterWhere The Water Ends
O’Ryan BrodyProducer
Nani NikolicKey Cast"Woman #1"
Fiona McCarthyKey Cast"Woman #2"
Zaiden BrodyKey Cast"Ozzie"Where The Water Ends
Nicholas LeggettKey Cast"Donn"Where The Water Ends
Project Type:Short, Student
Runtime:10 minutes 23 seconds
Completion Date:December 30, 2024
Production Budget:120 USD
Country of Origin:United States, United States
Country of Filming:United States, United States
Shooting Format:RED
Aspect Ratio:4:3
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - Lincoln High School
Felix Leggett is an 18 year old student filmmaker from Seattle, Washington. He has written, directed, photographed, and edited his two short films while in high school, Where The Water Ends (2024) and Donn (2025).
‘Donn’ is a serious attempt at creating the acute awareness of time passing within the film for the viewer. I wanted to create layers of symbolism within the dialogue, characters, and editing that attempted to reflect the dynamics of the characters and the world they exist in.