Script Files

Dogs in Gods World

An autistic boy & his St.Bernard dog & they are returning back from the park, they’ end up walking down this alley and see this bright light coming from this old abandoned doghouse. They both go over to the doghouse crawl inside and see a heavenly painting, they touch the painting, and transfer to heaven. The name and title is” Dogs in Gods world. The boys name is Willy and the dogs name is Wilbur. Willie does have a family, and has a sister named Wanda. His mothers name is Wynonna and the fathers name is Walter ( there is willies nemesis by the name of Winston,& his dog Cain)Walter creates inventions. After getting lost from a return from heaven, willies father Walter creates an invention that ultimately fails and through divine intervention by prayer, the family meets up with Willie and Wilbur, with a glorious ending.The movie is topped off with an award-winning Disney type song.

  • Kathleen tessalone
  • Project Type:
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
  • NASEAN film festival, world film festival,NY, Bioscope film festival, India
Writer - Kathleen tessalone