1. In case of registration through online platforms indicated in the competition announcement, only the selected short films will receive by e-mail the submission form.
The short films can be included in the official selection of Festival, only after filling, signing and returning the submission form.
2. In case of registration through postal service or e-mail, film must be sent exclusively in DVD PAL or DATA DVD , containing the files of the short films in mp4 or mov or avi format.
3. Regardless the way of registration, the Festival Organisation may request sending of short film in a different format.
The Festival Organisation can reject works without a satisfactory quality level for public projection.
4. The works in different language from Italian must have Italian or English subtitles.
For films in foreign languages with subtitles only in English, in case of selection is required a version of the short film without subtitles, together with English transcript in suitable format to the sync within the movie.
The Festival Organisation recommend to attach a transcript of the dialogues in Italian and / or in original language of short film.
Selected films will be screened with Italian subtitles, that the Organisation can prepare independently.
5. The Festival Organisation, according to the rules established for copyright, assumes that the works received are free of any artistic property right or any right belonging to a third party.
Authors must guarantee the Organisation from any legal action, which might be undertaken against it by legal claimants.
Festival Organisation shall not be considered responsible in case of dispute.
Authors are liable for the contents of their work and the diffusion of non-original copyrighted music and/or images.
6. Regarding the selection of the films submitted, the Director will be assisted by members of Festival Organisation.
Films presented to “Diritto al Corto 3” are chosen under the responsibility of the Director.
The Jury’s verdict is incontestable.
7. Selected short films, the Jury of cinema experts, the Festival’s program will be published on the website
8. Subscription and participation to “Diritto al Corto 3” imply the acceptance of the present Regulation in all its parts.
9. Festival Director may take any further decision about topics not included in Competition Announcement and/or Regulation.
In case of controversy, the Judiciary Office of Rome is competent, according to the Italian version of this Regulation.