Dimensions 24
"Dimensions 24" is an innovative artistic event that seeks to capture the art of diverse artists in several disciplines and mix it in a 3D video environment. This event not only presents works of visual art, but
also integrates it into dreamlike and dimensional environments of the universe, where the artist him/her self is
part of the video along with its creation. The initiative seeks to explore new forms of expression.
and bring art to an interactive and multisensory level. the Theme for this video is "The Emotions" This is the 3rd. Episode in the Line of "Dimensiones" project.
Roberto AyalaDirectorDimensiones, En la Mirada del Artista.
Roberto AyalaWriter
Roberto AyalaProducer
Michelle CortazarKey CastIlustrator
Alejandro CoreasKey CastMusical Theater Director
Anaid RamoKey CastPainter
Ericka RodriguezKey CastPainter, Ilustrator
Esther MartinezKey CastIlustrator, Sculptor
Isis De LeónKey CastMusic
Juan AlbaveraKey CastSinger
Nazaret LacambraKey CastCoreographer
Renato MendezKey CastChef
Tere TorrejónKey CastTheater
Project Title (Original Language):Dimensiones 24
Project Type:Animation, Experimental
Runtime:28 minutes 10 seconds
Completion Date:July 15, 2024
Production Budget:250 USD
Country of Origin:Mexico
Country of Filming:Mexico
Shooting Format:Digital ,
Aspect Ratio:2:35.1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
House of CultureCancun
August 14, 2024