Deworm Debunk
Series of educational videos about parasite control in horses. It addresses common misconceptions and myths, provides useful information about parasite controls, and highlights recent research findings.
Martin K NielsenDirector
Martin K NielsenWriter
Martin K NielsenProducer
Martin K NielsenKey Cast"Narrator"
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:18 minutes 30 seconds
Completion Date:September 29, 2019
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:New Zealand, United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Dr. Martin Nielsen is a veterinarian and equine parasitologist at the University of Kentucky's Gluck Equine Research Center. Originally from Denmark but moved to Kentucky in 2011. He has over 100 research publications, over 170 research presentations at veterinary conferences and several books and book chapters. His mission statement is "Providing solutions for equine parasite control".
It is an obligation for research scientists to effectively communicate about our work in an understandable language. I created this series of short videos to post on Social Media with the aim to create awareness and possibly bust a few myths about equine parasite control. The videos will post one at the time, a few days apart, but they have been looped together for the sake of Film Festival submission.