Despina Moraitou is an optioned screenwriter, a Stowe Story Labs alum, and a Roadmap Writers Top Tier member. Her feature scripts hit Top 4% Coverfly and top 15% Nicholl. A ‘script-for-hire’ she wrote is in pre-production.
Despina wrote, funded, produced, directed, and acted in THE COORDINATES (Drama Short). Though inspired by the famous Buried Bodies case, Despina chose to make it an exploration into the resilience of marriage when morals and ethics clash. Making this film was also meant to be a ‘dive’ into filmmaking for her. Before that, she wrote and co-produced GREEK PHILOSOPHIA AND CHICKENS (Comedy/Drama Short) starring Lainie Kazan and Lukas Hassel. An ode on female desire to remain relevant, the script was inspired by Despina’s grandmother who, at 90, felt as beautiful as ever and often reminded young Despina that ‘the old chicken’s got the juice!’
Despina was born and raised in Greece. She came to the US as an undergraduate and holds an M.A. in International Relations and another M. A. in Criminology from the University of Toronto. She has worked as legislative director and chief of staff for the the NYS Senate and as On-Air talent, writer, and producer for Canadian TV. Despina coached competitive basketball and is a second-degree black belt in karate.
Despina’s scripts favor female protagonists in complicated family dynamics who have tripped over cultural or moral barriers. She gravitates toward Fantasy inspired by the myths of her childhood while aims to probe into the different facets of love. She also writes Comedy out of herself being a ‘Greek in America.’ Like that time she learned never to trust Americans “bearing” brownies. Or, eat five of them in a row.