Dependent follows the story of a young woman faced with the decision of terminating a pregnancy with no support, emotionally, physically or mentally, from the father or her friends and family.
Coming from a traditional Irish family, the subject of abortion or termination was not one for discussion. Close with her parents but unable to confide in them and feeling shame about her situation, so unwilling to talk to her friends, Orla is all by herself. The father, Jasper, has been ghosting her since their break up and even though she has told him of her circumstance, he has severed all ties.
The film takes place on the day of the scheduled termination. Running parallel with a working day, we see Orla trying to battle with the decision of what to do, whilst trying to maintain a calm face at work. Phoebe, Orla’s manager, adds continual pressure to her day and we learn of the abrasive relationship they have. We see how Orla tries to juggle the obstacles in her personal life, whilst maintaining face at her professional one.
With no contact from Jasper, she decides to go ahead with the termination; she travels to the clinic and then home to undergo it unaided. Back in the safety of her flat, we continue to see the pressures from work as the termination starts to begin. As Orla is sitting on the loo, we meet Iris, her cousin and flat mate, who is in a flap as she has forgotten her passport and is due to catch a plane that evening. She finds Orla, head in bin and presses her for what is going on. Orla, reluctant to divulge her news, eventually relents. The exchange between the two young women conveys the shame Orla feels about getting herself in this situation, especially as Iris doesn’t hold much regard for Jasper. Iris, whom is supportive of Orla, is then in a dilemma as what to do. She is expected at the airport but doesn’t want to leave her cousin alone in this state. Orla, insistent that she leaves, persuades her to go and catch her flight.
The next day, Orla has the same morning routine, which runs much smoother then before. We follow her at work having had a successful meeting and feeling upbeat and positive. Leaving the office to grab a coffee, she bumps into Jasper.
Tess AnnanWriter
Project Type:Short Script
Genres:Comedy, Drama
Number of Pages:23
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No