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See It ! India

Tagline : Sightless But Not Visionless
Dekh Le ! India (See It ! India) is a inspiring documentary Film on the Blind Women’s National Cricket Team of India, embarking on their first international tour to England to participate in the World Blind Games. The film explores how the world of the blind and sports blend together and how they see the world through the game of cricket. These are young girls drawn from different states of India. These visually challenged women also come from diverse backgrounds and have braved serious socio-economic hardships, overcome language barriers and regional differences to learn and bond with each other as a single unit proudly representing their country. It is also a story of their dreams, aspirations and fears.

The film captures the mélange of emotions, drama, and thrill of this endearing underdog story, by engaging with the players through their training camp right up to the final match where they beat the Australia team in Edgebaston to win the GOLD

Dekh Le! India ( See It ! India) is an inspiring and learning journey that will make eyes and hearts swell. A film that endeavors that anyone who watches feels that, if these girls can pursue their dreams they can as well. A journey of self belief and self discovery.

  • Shanthi Mohan
  • Mukund Moorthy
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Dekh Le ! India
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Sports, Inspiring, Blind, Women
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 6 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    February 28, 2025
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
    India, United Kingdom
  • Language:
    Assamese, English, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Santali, Telugu
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Shanthi Mohan, Mukund Moorthy

Mukund Moorthy is an accidental film maker based out of Bengaluru, India. Mukund has a full time corporate job as a senior executive in global organization but he has been always passionate about films. He is known as a creative and innovative person having led different projects. This documentary project has been his long cherished dream to explore how the Blind see the world. He firmly believes that movies are a great medium of learning and can be an alternative for books for those who like him are a visual learner. He takes corporates training sessions of Learning from movies to drive this point. He strongly belives that if you really want something purposeful in life, the world will conspire to make it happen. His dream project Dekh Le ! India is a live example of his, debut professional documentary film.

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Director Statement

The idea to make a film on how Blind see the world was with me for many years but there was no strong motivation to do it till the following 3 things happened.

The first was HATE: I was bothered with the amount of HATE people spew on social media losing all sense of sensitivity and respect. Add a dose of politics and religion and people go amok and herd mentality sets in. Why do friends & families argue, fight and hate was the genesis of the idea.

The second was The Infamous Oscar 'Slapgate' incident (Wills Smith /Chris Rock) where role models on world stage behave in such a manner. I was looking at people's reactions and wondered if either of the person was a WHITE GUY how would have people reacted given the state of affairs was in the world. People would have held the White Person guilty irrespective of who was right or wrong. Thank god both the actors were of same color.

And the third was Discrimination : I kept thinking that do we Discriminate just because we can See. What if I was born blind then would I really discriminate based on what I see. Would I know what is Black vs White, would I say that Saffron is Hindu or Green is Islam, Would I say that person is FAT and this person is THIN and not do body shaming etc

This purpose led me to think of HOW BLIND SEE THE WORLD led to me interacting with Blind people and understand their world. During my interactions I realised that 3 things bonded the Blind people. One was Music, Other was Food and the 3rd was Sports. On further thinking I realised that we normal people also bond over all these 3 things and Sports is one which is the strongest bond and speaks universal language. When I got to know that a Blind Girls team was recently formed just few months back and they had lost to Nepal and are now preparing for the World Games I thought this is a story that needs to be told. Today women in general face discrimination and are at a disadvantage, and here these Girls are Blind, coming from tough backgrounds and that too playing a game like Cricket to prove themselves and it will be an inspiring story.

This documentary has been an eye-opener in literal sense and Many don’t know about blind cricket in a nation where the game is no less a religion, which led me to interacting with these wonderful and inspiring blind women cricketers and that’s how Dekh Le ! India (See It ! India) was born.