Dear Mae
In a distant future, on a strange planet colonized by humans, a bad-ass seek and destroy android with a damaged processor falls deeply in love with the very fugitive its hunting, but things change when two others show up at their door.
Sanju S JacobWriter
Project Type:Screenplay, Short Script
Number of Pages:10
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Sanju Jacob is an Indo-American writer and designer born in south India. Growing up in the 90s, he was fascinated with art and all things astrophysics, and this interest led to an early development of an eclectic taste in books, from scientific non-fiction to classical literature. Later, working in aviation and then as a UX/UI designer, he developed a unique perspective and love for complex machinery which translated into creative writing endeavors in the Sci-Fi genre.
In Dear Mae, Sanju tries to explore and question the human essence - Does imagination, dreams, and delusions belong only in living brains?