Private Project


When a single mom, with a daughter fresh in the throws of teenage delirium, and her newly unemployed friends decide to take child support enforcement into their own hands a new business venture is formed, Deadbeats, Inc. and No child will be left behind.

  • Aisha Casey
  • Project Type:
    Television Script
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Aisha Casey

With a lengthy background in corporate accounting and several years as a court and government stenographer, Aisha Casey changed careers later in life, and moved to Los Angeles to transition into entertainment on a full-time basis. Currently a producer’s assistant on her third television series. Before moving to LA, she studied directing, writing and producing outside the walls of film school via on set training on Indie film, student film, and public access tv sets. She has directed and produced several half-hour variety programs, written, produced and directed a short film, DEARIE, and was hired to direct and produce an 8-episode web series, AL MOST COAST TO COAST. She continues to write and develop content for production during her off-work hours.

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