The lives of two struggling pet detectives are turned upside down when they are hired to find the lost dog of a mysterious stranger.
James KendallDirectorWellaway
John KendallWriterWellaway
James KendallWriterWellaway
James KendallProducerWellaway
John KendallProducerWellaway
Evan CarsonKey Cast"Tommy Brendl"
Devan HawkinsKey Cast"Abby Adams"
Rouslan KorenevKey Cast"Fred "The Leash" Warren"Wellaway
Project Type:Short
Genres:Comedy, Action
Runtime:32 minutes 29 seconds
Completion Date:March 16, 2019
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
James Kendall (22) is an Anchorage-based filmmaker who’s been making short films since the age of 12. He is a student at the University of Alaska Anchorage, broadening his skillset by studying theatre and French (and sometimes, French theatre). He founded Quick Dash Films in 2017 and has directed other notable works including The Red Fox (2018) and Wellaway (2018) which won the "Best Made in Alaska" Jury Prize at the 2018 Anchorage International Film Festival.