Danish Organic
Though Taiwan is a nation founded on agriculture, 99% of its farming industry still relies on traditional methods that utilize pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Even after 30 years of promotion, Taiwan’s organic farming area remains at less than 1% of the national total, a stark contrast to Denmark’s 11%. Taiwan has officially passed the Organic Agriculture Promotion Act in the hopes of rediscovering the true essence of agriculture. The organic farming industry should be treated a complete system that integrates the soil, crops, animal welfare, human health and environmental protection, so that it may be maintained and strengthened.
In this series, we travel through cities and farming villages from the east coast of Denmark to the west, conducting in-depth interviews with councilors, academics and farm owners. The aim is to analyze from different angles how Danes have been able to go from acknowledging the need to be good to their land and bodies to actually formulating a national strategy of environmental sustainability. It is hoped that Taiwan can learn from Denmark’s success to take its own organic industry to the next level.
Huang Hsiao-chiDirector
Project Type:Documentary, Television
Runtime:52 minutes
Completion Date:December 1, 2018
Production Budget:10,000 USD
Country of Origin:Taiwan
Country of Filming:Taiwan
Language:Danish, English
Shooting Format:Digital HD
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Both Taiwan and Denmark are intensive agricultural nations. In Denmark, organic is common and competitive, but in Taiwan, it is considered a “haughty and aloof” product for rich people and a farming method with high barriers of entry. Taiwan has the highest pesticide per hectare ratio in the world. We want to change this. The subtropical climate is a challenge, and switching to organic is hard work, but faith and vision can help this movement to grow.
This is a 10-day journey across Denmark that includes 21 stops. From planning, interviewing, writing to completion, we sought to exemplify the value of public news broadcasting by bringing home Denmark’s advanced farming model and vision of sustainability. The simple lifestyle and farming methods of our ancestors is a strength in today’s modern society.