Private Project


Feminisms of the latest generation has created new alliances, new kins, new forms of kinship. It skews technology in favour of the subjects and their desires, creates platforms for experimentation and re-invention which construct new languages and blow up every binary, nature/culture, male/female, human/animal.
Antispecism, in opposition to speciesism, opposes the belief that the human species is superior to other animal species and argues that human beings cannot dispose of the life and freedom of beings belonging to another species.
Feminism and antispecism go hand in hand, we do not need any hierarchy between causes and/or subjectivities, if anything we need to learn how to compensate and remedy the damage done by the hegemonic speciesist way of interpreting/constructing the world.

The project will be divided into four frameworks in which we intend to investigate and experiment with the relationship between bodies (human, animal and digital) in a dreamlike and surreal video journey that will consist of: // transformation // journey // dance-fight // return // Four videos that can be presented separately or unveiled together online.

  • Isadora Pei
    with Romeo Abramo Micius > cat performer / Ester Fogliano > dancer - choreographer / Emanuele Policante > videomaker / Isadora Pei > direction
  • Isadora Pei
  • AjaRiot - performing arts collective
  • Ester Fogliano
    Key Cast
  • Romeo Abramo Micius
    Key Cast
    "performer "
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    5 minutes 4 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    February 27, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Shooting Format:
    digital cinema
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Isadora Pei

Isadora Pei
Director - Performer - Activist - Visual artist

1999/2006 > she worked as an actress for Marcido Marcidorjs e Famosa Mimosa, a research theatre company based in Turin (IT).

2006 > she became member of the association Sinergia; she founded the FuturFestival and collaborated with CRUT at Università di Torino.

2008/2009 > she took part in “The Marriage of Medea” and in “Ur-Hamlet”, directed by Eugenio Barba, Odin Teatret (DK). She contributed to establish the international group Jasonites followed by the actress Julia Varley.

2010/2011 > she participated with The Living Theatre Europa in “Mysteries and Smaller Pieces”, “Siddhartha - the River Smiles”, “Green Terror” and “Let my brother go”.

2012 > she directed “Arte del Volo, studio 1 sull’arte povera”.

2012/2013 > she held workshops at Odin Teatret. She wrote and directed “W h o – human performance”, a drama performed by the group M ã h – Independent Intercultural Theatre in Italy, Germany and France and a project in residence at Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto.

2013 > The Jasonites went on tour within the European project “Caravan, Artists on the road”.

2014 > she played in “Tomorrow”, a Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium - NTL Project directed by Julia Varley. She directed Sinergia in “Salted Boat - performance su materiali permeabili d’immigrazione”. She directed the female collective A j a R i o t in “W (h) o – m a n”.

2015 > she collaborated with Ensemble Lodi Teatro creating “Dalle belle città – rapsodia teatrale di etica, libertà e uomini” and “Volver – rapsodia di strada” as assistant director and visual artist.

2016 > she directed A j a R i o t in the performance “Girl Is A Gun, sex workers – between self-determination and violence” in Italy and France; the performance won the co-production of Tenuta dello Scompiglio in Lucca and it was presented at CND (Centre National de la Danse) in Paris and at Teatro Libero di Palermo (Italy).

2017 > she coordinated the “Wild Island Project”, a participatory art event, part of the Holstebro Festuge created by Odin Teatret.
2018 > she directed AjaRiot in “D.A.K.I.N.I.”; this multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary project aims at investigating and creating dialectic bridges between the theme of Artificial Intelligence and contemporary feminist theories, co-produced by the NTL – Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium (Odin Teatret, DK), by Cross Award - Cross Residence 2018 and it’s realized with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo within Bando ORA! Produzioni di Cultura Contemporanea. “D.A.K.I.N.I.” performance had the national première in March 2019 in Torino at Cubo Teatro for Fertili Terreni Teatro, a rerun in Cross Festival Verbania and in Museo MACRO Asilo Roma, in NTL Festival (DK) e in Acco Festival (Israel).

2019/2020 > she’s created the interactive performance D.A.K.I.N.I. SUIT(E), project in residence and in co-production with In\Visible Cities - Urban Multimedia Festival, Gorizia + Scientifica (Romania) and with the patronage by NTL (DK); the project was selected for the semifinal of the Premio Dante Cappelletti 2019. SUIT(E) had the national première in September 2020 in Gradisca d’Isonzo at In\Visible Cities – Urban Multimedia Festival.

2020 > AjaRiot in collaboration with Riciclette performed CURA performance in Natura in Cross Festival Walk Edition 2020. 

*She participated in workshops with: Andrzej Szcuzewski, Roger Dabert, Ella Jaroszewicz, Yves Lebreton, Thomas Walker and Gary Brackett of The Living Theatre, Giorgio Rossi of Sosta Palmizi, with Eugenio Barba, Roberta Carreri, Augusto Omolù, Julia Varley, Tage Larsen of Odin Teatret, and Rena Mirecka of the Teatr Laboratorium of Jerzy Grotowski.

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