DBC Film Festival featured films in the following genres:
1. Art films
2. Animated short films
3. Music videos
4. Social justice short documentaries

2019 DBC Film Festival Schedule
(Film, Country)
Strowger's Revenge, USA*
Near a sink like this, USA
Beacon, USA
Broken Doll, Argentina
Communists Have the Music, USA
Dip Into (Best Animated Short Film Award Winner), Peru
Divine Hands, USA*
Generations – PETS, USA*
Hey Jude, USA*
Karma Knows - Hot Air, USA*
Ketos, USA
Leave the Light On, USA*
Mayan Time, Mexico
Melty Hearts, Chile
Mni Wiconi: Water is Life, USA
Old Man Planet, USA
Welcome to London, USA*
Sewing machine - PETS (Best Music Video Award Winner), USA*
So Close to America, USA*

*denotes that filmmaker/s are from Washington State

Best Animated Short Film
Best Music Video

Eligibility: Everyone! No geographic limits. All films must be original and of personal execution.

Submission Fees: FREE

Deadline: Submissions are due by midnight, June 21, 2019.

Applicants warrant the submission of their original work and state that there are no disputes regarding the ownership of the submission. Applicants are solely responsible for obtaining all necessary rights and permissions for third-party materials included in the film, including but not limited to music, trademarks, logos, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights.