Experiencing Interruptions?

D28 Productions

“Reclaiming the Throne,” a three-part docuseries that takes a deep look at long buried Hebraic history. “Reclaiming the Throne” reexamines the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade over the course of centuries to discover the fate of those who have been ignored in the official record. Tracing the suspenseful and tragic journey of an entire population who were unwillingly scattered across the globe, the docuseries draws a direct line from those in the modern African Diaspora to their true origins: the Kingdom of Judah and the royal House of David.

  • Joshua Cullins
  • Joshua Cullins
  • Morris Williams, Jr
  • Joshua Cullins
    Key Cast
    "Joshua Cullins"
  • Morris Williams, Jr
    Key Cast
    "Morris Williams, Jr"
  • Benayah Israel
    Key Cast
    "Benayah Israel"
  • Angela Phillips
    Key Cast
    "Angela Malakah Phillips"
  • Candace Wells
    Key Cast
    "Candace Yiskah Wells"
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Feature
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 31 minutes 29 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    May 21, 2021
  • Production Budget:
    30,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Joshua Cullins

Joshua Cullins, a co-founder of D28 Productions, has a knack for artistry in music, design, and film. However, his most remarkable feat is understanding and teaching the Hebrew Scriptures from an ancient vantage point. He is also the President of Sapharim by Rebirth, a hybrid publishing company aimed to make book publishing accessible to underprivileged communities. Joshua is an avid researcher who has the patience and persistence to find historically accurate information from ancient sources to be given to this generation in a palatable way. In his free time, he enjoys critiquing movies and relaxing with family.

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Director Statement

I knew this movie had to be different. But more than different, it had to be phenomenal, not only in content but in quality. I didn’t want the message to be lost due to pixelated images, grainy film, or provoking the audience to intense boredom. From the beginning, I intended to avoid pitfalls, which I did with my team’s help and dona-tions from within our community. I have a propensity for research, and I’ve collected hundreds of video clips, images, news clippings, articles, and old books in preparation for the making of this film. Eventually, I realized that I had more information than I had room to tell in a single movie; this is when Reclaiming the Throne officially became a three-part docuseries. Though there were guest appear-ances that elevated this project, most of my days were spent alone in the studio, narrating, editing, and rendering. It was tough, but I endured for the sake of the people that needed to hear the message.My hope is for this docuseries to give those in the diaspora hope for the future and that they would know that there is a great pur-pose for them in the world and a pointed reason for their struggles. I hope all who hear this information would be compelled to share it and feel comfortable initiating otherwise uncomfortable conver-sations in a positive and uplifting way.