Cycle Trails 033 - Vsetinske Beskydy 2
From Tanecnice to Cab
We will visit Antonín Strnadel Museum in Nový Hrozenkov. The weather is bad and we will experience a mountain storm during the downhill ride from Tanecnice. The next day the sun is shining and the rest of the ridge of Vsetínské Beskydy from Tanečnice to Cab is passed. We will taste great desserts and continue to Huslenky. Downhill? Not.
Marek TichýDirector
Marek TichýWriter
Marek TichýProducer
Pavlína TicháKey Cast
Magdalena TicháKey Cast
Kristiana TicháKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):Cyklotrasy 033 – Vsetínské Beskydy 2
Project Type:Documentary, Web / New Media
Runtime:8 minutes
Completion Date:March 1, 2019
Production Budget:2,000 USD
Country of Origin:Czech Republic
Country of Filming:Czech Republic
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No