Currawong is a short, observational documentary, capturing an intimate portrait of the daily lives and adventures of a pair of Pied Currawongs, that are challenged to raise a family through a difficult breeding season.
John KhaDirector
Elizabeth DoanProduction Support
Project Type:Documentary, Experimental, Short, Television, Web / New Media, Other
Genres:Nature documentary, Documentary, Experimental, Observational
Runtime:17 minutes 13 seconds
Completion Date:February 25, 2022
Country of Origin:Australia
Country of Filming:Australia
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Changing Face International Film Festival
Honourable Mention -
Sydney Lift-Off Film Festival
Official Selection
John Kha is an Australian artist raised in Sydney, with a passion for visual story telling through photography and film. His work is inspired by a curiosity and connection to the world around us. When he isn’t working in his studio on creative projects, you’ll find him enjoying the outdoors or tinkering with new hobbies.
Currawong is a short observational documentary, capturing an intimate portrait of the daily lives and adventures of a family of Pied Currawongs, that are challenged to raise a family through a difficult breeding season.
Currawong was shot entirely from my backyard in Sydney, over a 5-month period, when COVID-19 restrictions coincided with the breeding season for this family. The film observes the daily habits of a pair of Pied Currawongs that nested in my backyard and the nestlings that made their leap of faith to leave their nest.
I created this film with the hope that it stirs a curiosity, raising awareness and appreciation for the important biodiversity that exists in our very own backyards. I was in awe of the daily challenges experienced by this family of Pied Currawongs during extreme weather events and felt privileged by the opportunity to capture and share their story in this backyard adventure.