"Cold" - Fenna Frei
"Frio" is a music video and song of my upcoming album. It's an ode to solitude inspired on a summer love that faded away. Frustration, dilussion, emptiness and melancholy are the big pillars of this scream. “The sea is only for the brave ones” she says. Crossing the ocean is an act of risk and courage. Epic drums announce that her guardians are ready to protect her, she knows she is safe in the desert and convinced that someday she will go back to his land.
Directed by Mariano di Cesare and filmed in an Argentinian province (Catamarca) co-produced by Catamarca’s Tourism Secretary. The department of press in this province distributed "Frío" promoting it through all their media channels.
El Esquiú: https://www.elesquiu.com/cultura-y-espectaculos/2019/2/28/la-artista-internacional-fenna-frei-grabo-su-videoclip-en-territorio-catamarqueno-315842.html
Mariano Di CesareDirectorMi Amigo Invencible, El Príncipe Idiota
Candela Cibrian TapiaWriterMusic Producer, Songwriter
Santiago IezziWriterMusic Producer, Mixing
Secretaría de Turismo de CatamarcaProducer
Candela CibrianProducer
Candela Cibrian TapiaKey Cast"Fenna Frei"
Project Title (Original Language):Frío
Project Type:Music Video
Runtime:48 hours
Completion Date:December 7, 2018
Production Budget:4,500 USD
Country of Origin:Argentina
Country of Filming:Argentina
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Mariano nació en Mendoza el 6 de agosto de 1985. Estudió en la Universidad de Cine (FUC) y conformó la popular banda mendocina Mi Amigo Invencible, dirigiendo todo el material audiovisual de la misma.
Mariano was born in Mendoza on August 6, 1985. He studied at the Film University (FUC) and formed the popular band Mi Amigo Invincible Mendoza, directing all the audiovisual material of it.
Interview by Indie Hoy: https://indiehoy.com/entrevistas/mariano-di-cesare-creador-perpetuo/