Share your environmental message and call to action! Add your film to a list of screenings including Chasing Ice, Food Chains, and Last Call at the Oasis.

$200 for best film (if number of entries allow, we will consider winners in youth [under 18] and adult [18 and older] categories)
Winner is automatically entered at no charge in Julien Dubuque International Film Festival student category

Your film should
*have an environmental message or theme
*be 5-15 minutes including credits,
*be your original work, not containing any materials owned or copyrighted by another unless you have arranged permission to use them.
Any genre is welcome.
Unfortunately, we can only accept English-language films (spoken English or with English subtitles).
By submitting your film, you agree that it may be shown publically at Clarke University as part of the Environmental Film Series on April 7, 2016, parts of it may be used before then for promotion of the event, and the decisions of the judges are final.

To submit, mail a DVD or upload here with the following information:
*the name of your film
* your call to action (how you hope audience members will change their environmental behavior as a result of your film)
*your name
*your age (if number of entries allow, we will consider winners in youth and adult categories)
*your mailing address, phone number, and email address
If sending a DVD, be sure it is labeled with the name of your film and your name! We are not responsible for lost materials--do not send your only copy! DVDs will not be returned unless you include a SASE. Mail to Andrea Bixler, Environmental Film Competition, Clarke University, 1550 Clarke Drive, Dubuque, IA 52001