To all filmmaker in the world (directors, actors, scriptwriters, operators, editors, sound engineers e others): join the
Campus, we will host you for free. You can also send us one of your films for one of our competitions.

This regulation applies to the 21st edition of Cinemadamare/Travelling Campus (also known as CDM) – the biggest
gathering of young filmmakers in the world.
The Campus will take place in Italy, starting on June 13th 2023 and ending on September 19th 2023 (day in which our
guests will leave the Campus). (In each edition, there could be the possibility that one or more stops are programmed
out of Italian borders).

As a result of the following Regulation, for all those that will be entitled to take part in Cinemadamare, under the
procedures and provisions that will be indicated later on, CDM could offer the chance to participate to our stop-over
in Venice, coinciding with the 78th Venice International Film Festival, hosted for free by CDM.

The filmmakers are hosted for free throughout the festival. They are divided in crews and shot their films during the festival. Each stage lasts one week and takes place in an Italian city. In this way the filmmakers make the film and have the chance not only to work together with the local people but also to learn the history and the art of many Italian places. This event is not about only one city or region but it moves around – like a gypsy caravan – equipped with its most precious luggage: 100 filmmakers who move from a place to another. They are almost one hundred for each stage given that their attendace to CinemadaMare runs from 3 weeks minimum to 12 weeks maximum. So they alternate and reach the number of 300 every year.

After signing up, the filmmakers are selected and benefit from the accomodation provided by the festival: free attendance, free overnight stay, free travels from a place to another. All festival activities are free as well. Round trip and food are not free of charge.

The figures below are to be considered as gross amounts.

€ 1000 Best Film: Epeo D’Oro 2023 (chosen by the Public Jury, composed by the audience) +
reimbursement for travel expenses from their place of residence in Venice, for a maximum cost of 300 euros; more accreditation to the Venice Film Festival, with free accommodation along with the other filmmakers of Cinemadamare in a camping at the Lido of Venice for the duration of stay scheduled by Cinemadamare (the calendar with the dates is available on this site)
€ 250 Best Director (Jury of Experts)
€ 250 Best Actor (Jury of Experts)
€ 250 Best Screenplay (Jury of Experts)
€ 250 Best Photography (Jury of Experts)
€ 250 Best Editing (Jury of Experts)
€ 250 Best Original Sound-Track (Jury of Experts)

To send us a film for the Main Competition, you have to register on our website, in addiction to your application on the FilmFreeway platform at this address:, at a cost of $ 5.00. The films will be selected by the Campus Commission. The
short film must be submitted by May 28th 2023. If the short film arrives later than this date, the postmark will be
considered proof of the date of mailing. The shipping cost is at the expenses of the sender.
The producers of the short film selected for the Main Competition must agree to include the mention of participation
in Cinemadamare in the future promotion of their short film including the prizes (if any) and the official logo of
Cinemadamare. Every director, distribution or production company that apply for the Main Competition, automatically
accept this regulation.
The directors, the production or distribution companies can apply for the Main Competition. In any case, only the
director will be paid for the “Best Movie” or “Best Director “prizes; only the actor will be paid for the “Best Actor”
prize; only the scriptwriter will be paid for the “Best Script” prize and so on for all other prizes.

All the short film submitted for the Cinemadamare Main Competition (belonging to the following categories:
animation/fiction/documentaries/experimental) must fulfill the following requirements on which penalty of exclusion
from the Competition selection:
• Have a maximum running time of 25 minutes;
• Do not contain obscene or horrifying scenes;
• Have English subtitles, if the original language is notEnglish
To send a short film to the Cinemadamare Main Competition, it is necessary to fill in the Entry Form trough the platform
FilmFreeway available at the following link

The Main Competitions goes through 4 steps:
• Pre-selection: in order to be accepted in the Main competition, the short films are pre- selected by
Cinemadamare staff within May, 31st 2022. Who presented the selected films will receive a notice by June, 5th 2022.
They will also be informed about the date and venue of the screening of their short film before the starting date of the
Campus (June13th).
• Preliminary phase:the selected short film will be screened during the weeks before the stop of Nova Siri (stop
already included in the tour itinerary) and voted by a Public Jury, members composed by the audience attending the
screenings in the public squares, or by the staff of CDM. Each spectator will receive a form to fill in to judge the film.
According to the votes of the Public Jury, a short film will win this first phase every three evenings of screenings and
will be admitted to the Semi-Final (films from this competition are shown in the public square during free "open
cinema" evenings organised by CDM on the evenings preceding the Weekly Competition). The selected film will be the
one receiving more votes (arithmetic percentage on the results of individual forms). Every six days of Cinemadamare
two films will be selected forthe Semi-final. The short movie selected is admitted to the Semi-Final, that will correspond
to the Nova Siri week;
• Semi-final: in this phase, the Public Jury will select a short film every evening of the screenings. The short
films selected will enter the Final. During the Semi-final, the film will be screened according to the following
chronological order: the short-film ranked first in the Preliminary phase will be screened first during the Semi-final; the
film ranked second will be screened as second, and so forth. The Director of the Campus has the right to revive one or
more film not selected by the Public Jury,whichhe and his collaborators considertohave a highartistic value. The revived
film will enter the Semi-final and will be screened during the last evening of the Semi-final.
• Final: Public Jury will declare the winner of the Main Competition 2022 using the same voting system.
Dates of Main Competition will be published on the website before the first day of

Overall Rating
  • Carolina Guerrero

    We didn't receive news about it

    October 2020
  • Valeria Motorueva

    Cinemadamare is a really good initiative. This year was quite slow and bad communication with the festival.

    October 2020
  • Mehmet Tığlı

    It’s a great honor to be a part of this amazing festival. I recommend this fest to all indie filmmakers.

    October 2020
  • Our film "Death Offers Life - last moments of Vincent Van Gogh" got official selection which is a great encouragement for us.

    October 2020