Join us for our brand new 1st Annual CinemAsiain Online Film Festival. For the people by the people in showcasing upcoming artists, filmmakers, and musicians both nationally and internationally. We are promoting the efforts of talented and impassioned filmmakers in their pursuits to create film that encourages and PROMOTES creativity and standing up to be heard for the first time for many.
WINNERS will receive all of the following:
· Attractive trophies, plaques and CASH awards for top winners
· Connections and introductions to two online television channels
· An opportunity to meet privately with agents, movie executives at the exclusive VIP reception.
· Work to be displayed on both the CinemAsian Online Film Festival website and channel for one year
· Project website linkages on CinemAsian Online Film Festival website
· National and international recognition and networking opportunities
· Some projects sponsors will also be asked to evaluate the entries for the 2016 Festival, and serve as a PRODUCER, which will include PROFIT SHARING and COMPENSATION
All judges are uniquely QUALIFIED to provide comprehensive evaluations, and the selection of our judges are done through the following; 1. Interview and recommendations, 2. Designation of genre, 3. Training and film critique education (online and/or in person), and 4. Assignment of genres.
Preliminary Evaluation Process: First, a panel of distinguished judges will evaluate each project in the preliminary phase to determine threshold requirements, artistic and cinematic value and overall story line. In this phase, the panel will evaluate whether or not the project fits the overriding criteria of the festival. Projects scoring high in the preliminary process will be ranked, rated, and recommended to the Jurors Phase for official selection and special awards.