Applicable Content
All entries must consist of content that is created to bring awareness or instruction to health and wellness initiatives relating to specific therapeutic conditions. General diet and exercise shows will not be considered for the festival.
How to enter
Apply online via our website at and, after fully completing the online entry form, click “submit”. Please note the online entry form will require you to submit a URL that links to your project in order to be completed. Be sure your project has been fully uploaded to the viewing platform and the link works prior to filling out your online entry form.
All entries must include the following:
An official CINEHEALTH online entry form, properly completed.
A private and/or password protected streaming link of the project.
For episodic podcasts or audio stories, only one episode may be submitted with an application. For serialized podcasts or audio stories, the first episode of the series or season must be submitted with an application.
As applicable, the entry fee(s) for the project submission (see the “Entry Fees” section above), which are payable ONLY by credit card (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, TCB, or Discover). If submitting a student short film, a scan of the student ID or enrollment verification must be provided at the time of submitting to qualify for the discounted submission fee.
Note: It is your sole responsibility to ensure that your online entry form is properly submitted. If you’ve submitted through the CINE>HEALTH platform and have not received an email confirmation, you may email the Festival at to follow up. It is also your responsibility to ensure the streaming link is functional and the link and password submitted are accurate. The password protected link must be active at least through August 31, 2024. Regardless of your method of entry, all entry materials MUST be received by the Festival no later than the applicable deadlines referenced above. The Festival reserves the right to disqualify any submission, without refund of any kind, if it is not completed in accordance with these Entry Rules and Regulations.
Multiple Entries
Each project must be individually submitted and accompanied by its own completed online entry form; please do not send links to multiple project entries in your online entry form, as any or all of them may be disqualified. If you are submitting a web series or episodic content, you may submit multiple episodes of the same series within the same submission.
Invited Projects
Festival programmers select and invite all projects to be presented at CINE>HEALTH, with Premiere status considered (see eligibility requirements above). Invited creators will be notified by email or phone via the information provided on the submitted entry form. Make sure to update the Festival with new contact information or any other festival invitations prior to CINE>HEALTH at If your project is invited, your Premiere status will be confirmed with you and locked. Should you accept any other festival invitation that breaches this Premiere status commitment, the Festival reserves the right to rescind the invitation.
IF YOUR PROJECT IS SELECTED If your project is selected, you must fulfill the following requirements by the date(s) designated by the Festival:
You must execute a release agreement wherein you (i) accept responsibility for obtaining any and all clearances necessary to exhibit and promote your project and any promotional materials provided by you in connection with CINE>HEALTH; (ii) warrant that you have the rights necessary for Digital Health Networks to exhibit and promote your project and use any promotional materials provided by you in connection with CINE>HEALTH; and (iii) indemnify and hold harmless the Festival, its parent company, its affiliates, and subsidiaries and any of their respective directors, officers, employees, and representatives against any claim arising out of exhibition and promotion of your project in connection with CINE>HEALTH.
For all projects, you must deliver to the address(es) designated by the Festival (i) one (1) exhibition copy (technical specifications must be confirmed by the Festival in advance) of the invited work; (ii) a backup copy or copies, as required by our technical department; and (iii) additional exhibition copies, if requested by the Festival (to allow for multiple screenings at more than one venue). We recommend you ship all exhibition copies via courier in order to permit the tracking of your project once it leaves your hands. (a) The required exhibition formats and delivery date deadlines will be confirmed by the Festival after invitations have been extended and confirmed. Please check in with the Festival staff before creating your Festival exhibition copy or copies to ensure the format and technical specifications are correct.
The Festival will arrange for (and cover the cost of) return shipping of your exhibition copy (copies) to one (1) location after the conclusion of CINE>HEALTH.
If selected, you will be asked to also participate in both our physical festival, as well as our online exhibition to be held on the Festival website and/or designated future digital exhibition platform (TBD) on and around the CINE>HEALTH dates.
You must provide a properly completed and signed official CINE>HEALTH “Festival Information Form” including all press and publication assets as specified in the “Materials Checklist” (the “Festival Information Form” and “Materials Checklist” will be provided by the Festival).
You must provide a downloadable link of the final, completed project for Festival archives and internal purposes.
Festival Sections
Projects invited to participate in CINE>HEALTH will be shown in the section determined most appropriate by Festival programmers, in their sole discretion. Part or all of the CINE>HEALTH program may be available online on a secure streaming platform for a limited number of screenings. CINE>HEALTH will discuss with the filmmakers whose films are chosen as Official Selections the possibility of including their film as part of the online component.
In Competition:
Narrative Competition
SHORT FILMS Narrative, Documentary, and Animated Short Films
Eligible for: Best Short Film
Shorts will play either in a Shorts program or before a Feature film.
EPISODIC SERIES Narrative, Documentary, and Animated Short Films
Eligible for: Best Episodic Series
A single episode will play in competition.
SOCIAL MEDIA SHORTS: TikToks, Reels, Shorts
Eligible for: Best Social Media Short
Social Media Shorts will play either in a Shorts program or before a Feature film.
Each category will accept the following:
The first episode of any narrative-driven podcast (6 minutes - 60 minutes in length)
One stand-alone audio piece (6 minutes - 75 minutes in length)
The first chapter of an audiobook (6 minutes - 30 minutes in length)
Other Requirements:
English-language only
Only 1 episode per series may be submitted
You may submit the first episode of a new season of a podcast
However, judging will be based solely on the material submitted
Eligible for Audio Storytelling award
Awards for CINE>HEALTH may be modified.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Festival in writing, awards will be given to the winning film director (as identified in the Festival Information Form) on behalf of the film (except for Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography and Best Editing) and will be fulfilled approximately 12-16 weeks after the closing date of CINE>HEALTH.
Award eligibility is subject to any restrictions or conditions imposed by applicable laws and regulations (international, federal, state or otherwise), and the award recipient is responsible for all applicable taxes, customs, tariffs, insurance and similar charges or costs (if any).
*The above listed awards are from the 2024 CINE>HEALTH INTERNATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL and are subject to change for CINE>HEALTH by the Festival in its sole discretion.